A Christmas Reflection…

Merry Christmas!

It’s 7:47am Christmas Morning in Notting Hill, London and I’ve been up now for coming up to two hours.

It’s quiet time, and still before sunrise.

It’s Christmas Day, and a great day to reflect on the year just passing, and to suppose about and start getting organised for the New Year ahead.

Soon the house will be filled with Christmas noises and the smell of Christmas lunch.

We’ll have a walk around the neighbourhood and enjoy our Christmas Day away from home, yet missing our friends and family back there.

How do you spend this time of year?

Do you look at your achievements?

The goals you reached?

And the goals you fell short on?

Your personal goals as well as your business goals?

What were your wins?

What were your hits?

And did you have some misses?

For me it was a mixed year.

I said farewell to my Dental Practice of the past twenty-eight years, and all those wonderful friendships and relationships that formed there.

But when it’s time it is time.

Kenny Rogers said you’ve got to know when to hold ‘em and know when to fold ‘em.

And sadly, it was time for me to fold them there.

In my consulting I’ve had the pleasure of working with some amazing people.

I’ve worked with some great dentists and Dental Offices that have grown astronomically.

And I’ve worked with others where the growth has been less, yet still with significant change to see light now as we move forward.

I’ve worked with some awesome people around me this year in both my practice and my consulting.

And you’re only as good as the people you surround yourself with.

At your Dental Office, you need to be working with people who share the vision, share the goal and share the passion. At the front, on the phone, at the back, alongside you, assisting and in hygiene.

If you have these people, thank them, reward them, praise them and appreciate them.

Because you cannot do what you need to do without the right people.

If you do not have the right people, then you need to find the right people and bring them in.

You cannot turn the wrong people into the right people.

But you can replace the wrong people.

And replace them you must.

Because a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

In consulting, I’ve been blessed with a great support team.

And again, it’s been a blessing to work with a great group of people helping me with my CRM, my marketing and advertising, and my IT.

I’d not be where I am without them.

In consulting, I’ve also been blessed to be surrounded by “a family” of wonderful friends and colleagues, both dental and non-dental, with a common interest in all of our own successes.

An amazing caring, sharing environment.

It’s been a pleasure to be a part of that environment and I try as much as I can at every opportunity to bring that feeling of sharing to my clients and to my dentistry.

In all businesses, and in both of mine this year, it’s been absolutely important to be at the cutting edge with education and acquisition of the right kind of knowledge.

Knowing what to learn and what not to learn are critical in the growth and progress of any business.

Make sure you are putting the right fuel on your mental fires.

One of the great questions to ask people is:

“What are you reading?”


“Tell me about the last three books you read…”

Finally, at Christmas, it’s so very important to reflect and connect with family and loved ones.

Make sure to spend time and connect with those whose lives truly make a difference to yours.

And tell them how much you love them.

Because in business, the reason for being in business is to be able to provide and care for those that we love.

As best as we possibly can.

Because work for work’s sake is no life at all.

Merry Christmas!

The Ultimate Patient Experience is a simple to build complete Customer Service system in itself that I developed that allowed me to create an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.

Email me at david@theupe.com

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