A Smile Is All You Need To Start….

One of the first things you need to have to be able to present a good impression is a warm friendly smile.

Without a smile, our face is barren.

What are we doing if we are not smiling?

Are we scowling?

Are we growling?

Are we frowning?

The alternatives to smiling are not very attractive looks, are they?

When we smile we project a message of happiness and warmth towards the person or people that we are smiling at.

Our smile tells them so many things in a non-verbal way.

Our smile says, “Hello.”

Our smile says, “It’s a pleasure seeing you.”

Our smile says, “Have a great day.”

Our smile says, “How can I help you?”

Failing to smile is a voluntary rejection of the people we are in front of or of the moment we are in.

Failing to smile sends the following messages:

  • You are interrupting me
  • I would rather not be here
  • I would rather not talk to you

Do you think these are good messages?

They are poor messages to convey to anyone at any time.

The fact is, it takes fewer muscles to smile than it does to frown, so smiling is more ergonomical.

A smile tells the world that you are ready.

When I’m out on my morning walk each morning, it is amazing to see the different reactions of fellow walkers when they are greeted with a smile.

You see, a smile given also reflects, resulting in a smile received.

And that’s a very nice way for people to acknowledge one another.

And not just amongst the early morning walking brigade.

A smile lights up a room. It lights up a conversation.

Even if your job involves only speaking on the telephone, or typing messages and replies and emails, you will find that you are in a better frame of mind to interact with people if you prepare yourself by smiling.

So go on, learn to smile more consistently.

And more frequently.

You’ll be surprised at the way life looks better when you are smiling….


My next public speaking presentation showing Dentists how to grow their Dental practices will be in Chicago, USA on Friday 2nd June 2017.

For more information and to secure your seat click this link here.


Have you read my book , How To Build The Dental Practice of Your Dreams [Without Killing Yourself!] In Less Than Sixty Days.

You can order your copy here: Click Link To Order


The Ultimate Patient Experience is a simple to build complete Customer Service system in itself that I developed that allowed me to create an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.

Email me at david@theupe.com

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