My MacBook Pro started to die.
Well, it’s been filling up and slowing down for a little while now.
Not to mention the fact that it doesn’t talk well to Microsoft Outlook.
On top of this, a couple of weeks ago, my MacBook did not respond too well to having its keyboard cleaned with Gatorade.
Well, Lemon-Lime Gatorade to be exact.
Well it wasn’t so much of a cleaning as an accidental bathing.
Some might say spillage.
So what happened was that after the Gatorade incident, the mouse curser on my MacBook began to float and have a mind of its own.
Which made typing and using the Mac rather a challenge.
I do have a remote keyboard and remote trackpad as well, but using those did not circumvent the floating curser problem.
At the same time, I was also trying to free up some disc space by transferring and deleting old files….
But my efforts at this were proving to be far from successful.
So I decided to do what any sane person would do.
I decided it was time to buy a new replacement MacBook.
And that’s what I did.
Now you would think that this would be a simple process…. open up new MacBook, migrate information from old MacBook to New MacBook, and live happily ever after?
Well, there was one small problem….
The new MacBook started telling me that it did not have sufficient storage to receive the migration from my five-year-old MacBook.
In thinking, “What the heck?”
How can this be possible?
So I phoned Mac support.
It seems that the New MacBook I bought, although top of the line, did not have “additional storage” added into it.
Which meant that it did indeed have less available storage than my five year old MacBook.
The guy on the phone directed me to the Mac website, and explained to me that I could buy more storage, either an extra 1TB or 2TB, and because I had only owned my new Mac for just one week, I was in my rights to simply switch my new Mac over for a version with the larger storage.
So I headed up to my local Apple store the next morning.
When I arrived, just prior to opening, an Apple employee greeted me outside and I shared my story.
He went to his iPad and checked a couple of things and said,
“you are in luck, we have a replacement MacBook for you with 1TB in the store”.
However, my way of thinking was that I was going to want a new MacBook with 2TB, to avoid running into another storage problem in the not too distant future.
So when the store opened, I was directed to a supervisor, who explained to me that I’d need to return my new MacBook, and purchase another with the 2TB storage option.
And that the new replacement MacBook was not in stock in the store, and may not arrive for another seven to ten days….
This kind of seemed to be becoming a very long way around type of adventure.
So that’s what I ended up having to do.
As we were completing the refund and new purchase, I said to this supervisor, that this problem would have been avoided if the sales lady the week before had simply said to me:
“Now, this MacBook comes with 512GB of memory. Do you think this will be sufficient, or would you like to buy more storage?”
And I would have said:
“ How much more storage can I buy?”
And I would have bought more storage then and there.
When I suggested this preventive solution to the supervisor, she immediately corrected me and told me that the sales lady had sold me the model that they had with the most available storage…IN STORE.
And she made me feel that I should have been so grateful that I was indeed sold the best MacBook…AVAILABLE.
But the original sales lady had not solved my problem.
All she had done was sold me her best available.
She had not sold me THE BEST AVAILABLE.
She had not solved my problem.
Now I’m not sure if the Apple employees are paid on commissions?
Is a sale today of anything, better to have than a sale tomorrow of what the customer really needs?
Could she have located what I really needed at another store?
Would she have lost a commission?
Why did she not solve my problem?
When she asked me what sort of MacBook I wanted, I had said to her:
“Let’s start at the top and work our way backwards.”
To her credit she did start with the best model.
She just didn’t start with the add ons that make it better than best.
So how does this relate to dental?
Do you ever sell someone treatment that you can do rather than offer them best available treatment that they might have to receive elsewhere?
Do you perform endodontics when you know that a specialist would probably do a better job?
Do you sell what’s on your shelf to the patient rather than what they really need? Like dentures, instead of implants?
And you may do this because what they really need will cost them more, and you’re not sure they are still going to like you if you recommend the higher priced treatment?
The additional storage on the MacBook is not a low fee.
But if I’m not offered it, and I don’t get told of its existence, then how can I ever choose it?
Will every patient in your dental practice choose best treatment?
If you offer best treatment to everyone, it makes sense that more people will choose it than if you never offer it at all.
In 2004 I took over a dental practice and none of the patients that I saw from that practice had any posterior crowns.
All were restored with patch upon patch upon patch.
Over the next five years, I helped most of those patients to keep their teeth by protecting all those heavily patched teeth with full coverage porcelain.
I offered them best available.
And most of them accepted that treatment gladly.
Always, always, offer best treatment.
Not what you think they can afford or what you think they will accept.
You’ll be surprised at how many patients do indeed want best treatment.
My next public speaking presentation showing Dentists how to grow their Dental practices will be in Melbourne Australia on Saturday 1 April 2017 with Jayne Bandy and Wolfgang Hofbauer.
For more information and to secure your seat click this link here.
Have you read my book , How To Build The Dental Practice of Your Dreams [Without Killing Yourself!] In Less Than Sixty Days.
You can order your copy here: Click Link To Order
The Ultimate Patient Experience is a simple to build complete Customer Service system in itself that I developed that allowed me to create an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.
Email me at
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