What are you doing Doctor?
Sometimes I meet Dentists, sometimes I hear of Dentists, who are simply only meandering through their Dental careers.
They are leading from the rear…
Or maybe not even leading at all.
They are drifting.
Drifting through the years of life.
I met a lady yesterday who was looking to work in a bigger, more modern Dental Practice that performed more interesting procedures.
The conversation with her was enlightening.
The Dental Office where she is currently working was thirty years old, and among “things”, had no computerised data management for the records or charts of their patients.
And without delving into the “story” of this Office with her, I just wondered about the *Why* that would keep the patients of that Office returning their for treatment.
Because surely the Patients would know that things at their Dentist were maybe, just a touch, antiquated?
I’ve heard of similar frustrations, theme-wise, from employees at other Dental Offices.
I’ve heard employees at some Offices become so excited when their Dentist decides to engage in Practice Management Education.
Because they kind of never thought that he would.
And although these team members knew that this was what the Office really needed, they simply just resigned themselves to the future that the Office was starting to “mark time” rather than progress into the future of Dentistry, direction-wise.
However, the flip can also be true.
Sometimes the Dentist wants to lead from the front and drive change and improvement, but he’s fearful of a mutiny from the back because of this pursuit of a higher goal, of a greater plan.
And that’s a very sad conundrum.
In this sort of scenario, the Dentist’s personal and financial future and destiny is being influenced dramatically by others without any skin in the game.
People with opinions but without any commitments.
And we hear these sorts of excuses thrown around all the time…
“ My staff would never let me do that.”
“I checked with my friends and they didn’t think it would be a good idea.”
“My wife doesn’t want me to do that.”
Taking control of your own destiny sometimes requires a leap of faith.
A step out of your comfort zone.
There will always be times when the thought of the unknown is intimidating.
Will this machine return on the investment?
Should I buy a scanner?
Will this ad work?
Do I need outside help to improve my practice?
I’m in the process of reading a book at present that amongst other things, explains the philosophies of the Wright Brothers, and Ernest Shackleton.
People who did not instinctively ask “why”, but moreover just went ahead and made things happen.
Omer Reed told me five years ago that ninety-five percent of Dentists reach age sixty-five and are unable to walk away from their drills because they truly have not reached financial independence.
Only one in twenty Dentists gets to sixty-five and can retire.
And is this result because of this fear of leading from the front?
There is always a better way of doing things.
And that way does not need to be made up.
Others have done it.
Others have already beaten a path, or blazed a trail.
It’s only a matter of doing your research.
Finding those people.
Finding out what they did.
And then taking that step forward…
Have you read my book , How To Build The Dental Practice of Your Dreams [Without Killing Yourself!] In Less Than Sixty Days.
You can order your copy here: Click Link To Order
The Ultimate Patient Experience is a simple to build complete Customer Service system in itself that I developed that allowed me to create an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.
Email me at david@theupe.com
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