Last Friday my wife and I flew to Melbourne for the weekend to attend an outdoor concert. On our morning flight from Sydney we were treated to not one but two “Above and Beyond” experiences by our flight crew.
An “Above and Beyond” experience is defined as:
“A random act of heroism providing legendary service to the customer.”
Let me explain….
Firstly, when our flight attendant found out from my wife that she and I were both suffering from the flu virus, she stepped up and brought us both a cup of hot water with a slice of lemon and a sachet of honey to add.
This small act exactly hit the spot dead-centre for me. It was precisely what I needed to lift my body out of its misery and to raise my spirits.
Traditionally, when someone with the flu identifies themselves in a crowded space there is an avoidance behaviour created by those around in a determined effort not to become the next infected victim.
However, our flight attendant Renee took on the role of Florence Nightingale and really went out of her way to help lift our emotional spirits and our physical feeling as well.
The second “Above and Beyond” moment that we experienced actually happened before take-off on our short flight when our male steward David came to both Jayne and I and asked us which of the three meal options we would like to be served once the plane was in the air.
The reason this was a special moment was that we noticed that he did not approach any other flyer with this question. Rather, all other travelers were only given their choice when the food trolley was brought out to serve the breakfast.
Whereas Jayne and I received our meals prior to the food trolley service.
We put this act of “Above and Beyond” down to the fact that the crew had been alerted to the fact that my status as a Qantas customer had recently risen into the top bracket as a result of all of the flying that I had completed this year with them.
What does this all mean?
These two “Above and Beyond” experiences are great examples of EXACTLY what all organisations should be doing in their businesses to make their customers feel special.
Firstly, always be attune to making sure that your team are aware of exactly HOW your customers are feeling physically and emotionally when they enter your premises, and make sure that your staff are looking for ways of helping to lift up those feelings.
Secondly, always make sure that your staff are aware of exactly WHO each customer they are serving could be, and whether they are a loyal customer of long standing, or a significant spending customer.
Both long term customers and big spending customers have chosen to do business with your business for a reason, and as such, they deserve recognition and our appreciation of their choice of doing business with us.
If we ignore our loyal customers they will leave us and take their business elsewhere.
We must ensure that our business always has the systems in place that enable our staff to consistently exceed our clients’ expectations and make the client feel welcome, comfortable, important, and understood.
If we do that in our dental office, we will indeed create an Ultimate Patient Experience for our clients, that keeps them returning to us each and every time they need our services.
It is these simple EXPERIENCES that create the loyalty….
My next public speaking presentation showing Dentists how to grow their Dental practices will be at a Symposium on growing your Dental Practice in 2018 in Sydney Australia on Saturday December 2 2017 with leading experts Kinnar Shah, Angus Pryor, Jayne Bandy and Toni Surace .
For more information and to secure your seat click this link here.
Have you read my book , How To Build The Dental Practice of Your Dreams [Without Killing Yourself!] In Less Than Sixty Days.
You can order your copy here: Click Link To Order
The Ultimate Patient Experience is a simple to build complete Customer Service system in itself that I developed that allowed me to create an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.
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