I was talking with a dentist recently who told me that a couple of his employees had told him that they did not want to “groom” the patients after their appointment, and that they [the employees felt uncomfortable doing so?
When I use the word “groom”, what I mean to say is is it too much to ask the dental team members to help the patient rectify any makeup or wardrobe malfunctions that may have occurred during their time in the dental chair.
What do you think about this dental team’s interesting stance?
Here’s what happens [in reality]…
A patient attends our dental practice.
When they walk in the door they are well groomed and well presented.
At the dental practice, we take them to a treatment room, remove their coat, lie them horizontally, pull their mouth in all different directions for 30-60 minutes, pour all sorts of stuff into their mouth….and then we tip them back to the vertical, thank them, and push them out into the street?
Some dental offices check that the patients are presentable when they leave after treatment, while other offices do not?
And the patients pay us for treating them which way?
With care and compassion?
Or with lack of care?
Which way would you like to be treated?
Here’s my take….
If the patient walks into the dental office and presents themselves well, then that patient should expect that after their treatment, the least thing that the dental office can do is to make sure that they [the patient] leaves the dental practice perfectly presented.
Isn’t it our duty and obligation to make sure that our patients are well presented when they leave our office?
The patient should always be:
- Perfectly groomed
- Clothing straight and in place
- No tell-tale signs lingering on their face showing the world that they had been to the dentist.
Is that too much to expect or handle?
I’m not sure…
I’m not sure which planet this guy’s staff had been living on, but if this is his team members’ reactions, they have a lot to learn about customer service systems and preferences….
At your practice…
At your practice… do you groom and prepare your patients to face the world, after they have attended one of your appointments?
Or do you just send them off to face the world without fixing any makeup or wardrobe malfunctions?
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Are you concerned about the number of calls that are not being answered as best they can be?
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Have you read my book , How To Build The Dental Practice of Your Dreams [Without Killing Yourself!] In Less Than Sixty Days.
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The Ultimate Patient Experience is a simple to build complete Customer Service system in itself that I developed that allowed me to create an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.
Email me at david@theupe.com
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