A lot of dental offices out there say that they are providing great customer service.
But who says so?
Is it simply the owners saying so?
What are the parameters being used to back up these claims?
A lot of businesses out there say that their customer service is world class because they have a philosophy of providing great service.
But philosophy means not much if the team ain’t doing what the boss wants them to do.
As Laurie Guest says:
“It doesn’t matter how good the baker is if the cashier spits on your cake.”
Everybody in the team needs to singing from the same hymn book.
So many times I see a dental office where the owners are saying one thing and the team are doing another thing, that is at odds to what the owner is saying.
I see the doc being great down the back, and yet the people up the front are pushing their weight around on the phone, and with the patients checking in and checking out.
Have you seen this sort of behaviour?
If that’s the case then the team members who are out of line need to change their behaviours to fit in with the company philosophies and visions.
Or the team needs to change the team members.
If they won’t change then write a letter to them introducing them to the local careers adviser at the nearest employment office.
There is no reason to retain rats on a ship that is sailing.
The rats serve no purpose.
Recently I received the following message from a friend of mine in the USA about her recent dental office experience:
“Been thinking of you lately, in regards to my very own dentist, his front desk personnel and their customer service. Today again I had to call there and allow the front desk girl to make me feel bad when I address my concerns or confusion on the plan of action towards my boys’ dental plan. Their client- doctor communication lacks as well. And the front desk doesn’t pick up the ball. Thought I’d share 🙂 Wish your practice was closer. Hope you’re well…..”
Frankly, if a client is confused there’s no reason to make them feel bad.
This is not a desired outcome for any business to client communication.
If confusion is created for the client at any point in their dental office experience, then it is the role of those out the front to resolve that confusion for the client.
And not to make them feel bad about being confused.
I’ll bet the dentist doesn’t even know that this sort of thing is going on out the front of his dental office.
Because nobody would give the front office person any authority to create this sort of feeling in their clients.
A disgruntled client that does not feel valued will tell at least eleven of their friends and family about how poorly they have been treated.
Is this a good outcome for the dental office?
I don’t think so.
Do you conduct exit interviews of patients leaving your dental office?
Or do you simply assume that everything is OK?
It might be worth looking at your deliverables….
I would.
Before it’s too late.
If your office doesn’t want to make each and every patient feel important and valued well that’s fine.
There’s another dentist a few doors down the street just waiting to be of service to your unhappy patients…..
My next public speaking presentation showing Dentists how to grow their Dental practices will be in London England on Saturday 4 August 2018 with Jayne Bandy.
For more information and to secure your seat click this link here.
Have you read my book , How To Build The Dental Practice of Your Dreams [Without Killing Yourself!] In Less Than Sixty Days.
The Ultimate Patient Experience is a simple to build complete Customer Service system in itself that I developed that allowed me to create an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.
Email me at david@theupe.com
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