Are You Communicating Correctly? Or Are You A Soup Nazi?
“If you keep behaving as if you are the soup Nazi, then pretty quickly, your clients and patients will wear thin of your arrogance and narcissism, and will…”
“To Watch Or To Fix? That Is The Question…”
“As a dentist it is your duty to remove pathology from the mouths of your patients. It is your duty to help your patients have healthy mouths.”
Your Point Of Difference Is Your “Secret Sauce”.
Your Point Of Difference Is Your “Secret Sauce”.
I Just Want To Talk To A Human…
“The people who matter are those that need help asap, and now… and not five days later….”
Supposedly A Noble Profession…
One of the things I say in my regular monthly webinar presentation telling dentists how to grow their practices, and be ready to sell their
Great Customer Service Is Not Like Goldilocks…
“When your customers realise and appreciate that you and your team have made the efforts, that’s when your business truly becomes a FIVE STAR Customer Service organisation.”
This Is A True Story… [Yes, Really].
“…when you narrow your view and your thinking, you become negative, and narrow minded…”
Improvement Is Always The Best Option To Choose
“Do you commit to improving yourself and getting better?”
“Do You Want To Die? Or Live?”
“….nobody out there wants to die 25 years before they have to, either?”
“Selling Is Telling….”
“If they don’t take up your recommendation, then in the long term, they’re going to be worse off, and they will regret not following your advice….”
Are Your Results Being Affected By “Inclusion”?
“Inclusion is one thing. But it sucks if it diminishes results.”
The Impact Of Arrogance On Business And Personal Relationships
“The displaying of arrogance can create a power imbalance and can definitely foster resentment.”
The Devil Is In The Detail
“We should never arrive at a huddle with problems. Problems need to be addressed and attended to well in advance of the huddle.”
The Dangers of Complacency in Business and Relationships
“Complacency is characterised by a lack of motivation to improve or strive for better.”
Speaking Politely Is So Impressive
“Are your dental office team members working on that principle of being the best that they can possibly be, each and every time that they represent your brand?”
Combating Ignorance In Life And Business
“By embracing knowledge and fostering a mindset of continuous learning and openness, you can overcome ignorance and improve your relationships and business practices.”
The Dental Office Daily Morning Huddle: A Blueprint for Success
“To maximise the benefits of your daily morning huddle, it’s crucial to have a structured agenda. Here’s what should be included in every successful morning huddle…”
Understanding And Overcoming Entitlement
“Do you feel upset when you don’t get what you think you deserve, even if you haven’t earned it? Do you frequently feel deserving of special treatment?”