I love reading quotes.
Particularly quotations that speak to my inner self.
Quotations that inspire me.
Quotations that confirm my opinions and beliefs.
Here are eleven quotes that have recently [on an individual basis], revisited my desk over the past few weeks.
Collectively, they provide significant wisdom.
Please take a moment to think and reflect….
“The purpose of life is a life of purpose.”
– Robert Byrne
“Keep away from small people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” – Mark Twain
“Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be” – George Sheehan
“Give yourself permission to close the door to toxic people in your life.” – Robert Stack
“Don’t be afraid to get new friends, tell people you can no longer do something or rearrange your schedule to take care of yourself.” – Sandi Krakowski
“When the world says you’re not good enough, get a second opinion.”
– Nick Vujicic
“Experience has taught me that if you don’t fit in, you are probably doing the right thing.” – Robert Stack
“Either you run the day or the day runs you.”
– Jim Rohn
“Learn to love change, welcome it and see the opportunity in it.”
– John R. DiJulius III
Bradley J Sugars says “you better learn this formula … Leads x Conversion = Customers x No. Transactions x Average Sale = Revenues x Margins = Profits … know your numbers …..”
I’ve found, in business, the path to success is not a straight line.
And I’ve found that the path to success is often littered with the corpses of those not brave enough to hold onto their convictions.
You do have to stay strong and stay true to your convictions.
Because everyone will have an opinion.
Opinions are like belly buttons. Everybody has one.
The sad thing is, opinions are cheap.
And you can listen to opinions of others all day every day and get yourself totally confused.
Sometimes it will be family members who have decided it is their God given duty to prevent you from taking the path you have chosen, and who throw advice your way.
In spades.
When they have very little except for their own opinion to back up their words.
Respectfully, you need to hold your ground.
The road less travelled IS less travelled for a reason.
Ninety five percent of dentists in the USA reach the age of sixty-five and cannot afford to retire because they have not made the successful choices along their path of life.
I contend that the five percent who are able to walk away at age sixty-five can do so because they have made those difficult choices to be different along the way….
In the movie The Big Chill, the character Richard Bowens says:
“There’s some [expletive deleted] at work you have to kowtow to, and you find yourself doing things you thought you’d never do. But you try and minimise that stuff; be the best person you can be. But you set your priorities. And that’s the way life is. …… The thing is… no one ever said it would be fun. At least… no one ever said it to me.”
My advice, is to be the best person you can be.
And do set your priorities.
And hold your line.
Sometimes it will be difficult.
But, it will be worth it.
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“How to Bring the Customer Service Magic of Disney Right There Into Your Dental Practice”
Are you looking for that competitive EDGE for your dental practice in these questionable economic times?
History has shown that those businesses providing LEGENDARY WORLD CLASS Customer Service to their clients have not only survived, but THRIVED in during difficult times.
For the First time in Australia, Vance Morris brings you his comprehensive one day boot camp style workshop:
“How to Bring the Customer Service Magic of Disney Right There Into Your Dental Practice”
At this FULL DAY EXCLUSIVE workshop, you and your team will learn:
All about the cost that poor customer service is having on your dental practice.
Vance Morris will provide you with multiple examples of the financial impact of what poor service is doing for your practice.
He will explain in detail how to clearly DEFINE the “Customer Experience” (CX) for your dental practice.
You will learn the TEN RULES for WORLD-CLASS customer service, including:
* Anticipatory Service
* You had me at “Hello”
* Customer Service as a revenue generator
* “Everything communicates”
Vance will also explain in detail the art of PROFITABLE Service Recovery, including:
* How PROFITABLE Service Recovery is a systematic business process
* How to uncover your opportunities for PROFITABLE Service Recovery
* You will discover how to anticipate the needs for recovery
* Learn how to Train and empower your frontline employees on PROFITABLE Service Recovery
And much, much more….
Best of all, you will discover Vance’s signature programme Systematic Magic.
You will learn how to easily Out-Serve, Out-Price and Out-Market your dental competition in ANY ECONOMY. Based off his 10 year experience at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, Vance will reveal the 7 Magic Keys that Disney uses every day to create magic for their guests. This is the same system that Vance himself used while at Disney to create some of their iconic attractions.
At the end of the day, all attendees will leave with their own, personal blueprint to implement Disney style service in their dental practices, the very next day.
So if you’re looking for that competitive edge that’s going to set your dental practice APART from all of the other practices in your area, then book your dental TEAM into see Vance Morris NOW!!
CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS: http://bit.ly/2ZpzEdtl
Make sure you subscribe to my monthly Dental Water Cooler Podcast Series…. “The Ultimate Patient Experience”
Click on this link for all details
Have you read my book , How To Build The Dental Practice of Your Dreams [Without Killing Yourself!] In Less Than Sixty Days.
You can order your copy here: Click Link To Order
The Ultimate Patient Experience is a simple to build complete Customer Service system in itself that I developed that allowed me to create an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.
Email me at david@theupe.com