“Customers will always remember your generosity; they will never forget your greed” – Jon Acuff
Just heard author and blogger Jon Acuff say this.
And it hit a note with me because I was thinking earlier this morning as to what I could blog about today.
The reason I was thinking about this was that at present, I’m in my second last hotel on what has been a long forty-three night trip away from home.
Well actually, it’s the third last night in a hotel.
And it’s hotel ten out of eleven for this trip…
And I’ve got to say, one of the really big things I’ve been taking notes on on this trip is the quality of the hot showers and the fluffiness and newness of the bath towels.
And the quantity of bath linen.
Now when it has come to showers on this trip, let me say, most of the showerheads, except for two, have been lukewarm dribbles.
Yes, really!
Hardly enough water and pressure to wash the froth out of your coffee cup, let alone the soap from under your arms.
Now, for those who know movies, I like a shower to feel like the police cell scene in First Blood, where John Rambo gets a hosing down.
So every time I have to run around in the shower to rinse the shampoo out of my head, it kind of makes me feel like these hotels are just a little bit tight.
Now maybe it’s the local city council regulating the water and the showerheads…. I don’t know?
But I’ll say this. The best pressure by far was in New York City, where last time I looked, they have a fair few people living there.
The second thing that really says *MEAN* to me is the quality or age of the bath linen.
And about half the hotels have had towels that were past their used by date when it came to luxury and fluffiness.
After you’ve taken a hot shower, there’s nothing worse than trying to towel yourself dry with a piece of glorified cardboard dressed up as a bath towel.
It just does not work.
And it says: *Mean* !!
We all know how luxurious we feel when we can wrap a fluffy fresh towel around us after a hot shower.
So why do hotels stretch the envelope when it comes to bath linen?
It seems to me that it’s a no win situation.
Why not make every towel as good as it can be?
What I’ve been talking about here is an important key principle when it comes to looking at your dental office.
What messages of *MEAN* are you sending out to your patients and customers?
Do you use rough tissues from a generic brand? Or luxurious thick soft name brand tissues?
Or better still, warm heated towels?
Do your clients get espresso coffee? Or just plain instant?
Are your pens fine writing utensils? Maybe with your office name and contact details? Or are they a hotchpotch collection of some that work and some that don’t?
Do you have fresh flowers in your client lounge?
Is your client lounge furniture comfortable or is it more like a bus station seat or a park bench?
What messages are you sending subliminally to your customers?
Remember, the degree of care you take in choosing your services and furnishings will prepare your clients for the quality of their Dental Experience.
And you can’t be World Class if you’re saying *MEAN*!!
Sending the correct messages is just one of the parts of The Ultimate Patient Experience, a simple easy to implement system that I developed that allowed me to build an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.
Email me: david@theUPE.com
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