Interestingly, this quote came across my desk recently:
“When all else fails, invest in yourself:
I’m an action taker and when I double down on myself I always win. After all, my mind is wired to always focus on the win, and not to focus on the possibilities of losing or failing. I’ve spent over $1M in masterminds, programs and seminars in the last 8 years. I truly believe that because of the investment in myself, I am where I am. Not only have I learned from the mentors and members of the networks, I’ve reaffirmed my self-belief.
When you invest in yourself you tell your subconscious that you believe in yourself. When this happens, your mind releases a chemical that creates confidence and energy. It’s a gift from our divine creator.”
What do you think?
Over the past thirty-five years, as a dental practice owner, I’ve invested in a lot of dental education and a lot of business education.
At an early age, in my practice owning career, I realised that there was a lot about dentistry, and business, that I did not know.
Or should I say that I was never taught about.
So as a dentist, I studied TMJ and sleep dentistry, and airways in particular detail. I invested in C&B education, and I invested in an orthodontic education.
Later in my career as a dental practice owner, but early on in my career as a dental practice coach, I studied with global leaders in dental speaking and dental practice management, as well as some of the greats in business leadership, including Ziglar, Rohn, Hopkins, Tracy, Daly and Kennedy…just to mention a few.
I’ve masterminded dentally and non-dentally in the USA with some of the greats of coaching, and as a Certified Professional Speaker I’ve spoken on stages in Europe, London, Chicago, Miami, Cleveland and Las Vegas, as well as all capital cities in Australia.
Dr. Lincoln Harris once said:
“David Moffet is so knowledgeable he’s forgotten more than most people ever learn about dental practice”
So I tend to agree….
I tend to agree 100% with the thoughts of that quote that came across my desk.
I do truly believe that because of all of the investments that I made in myself, and in my teams, and in my family, that I am indeed where I am in my life as a result of all that time and investment. These investments in education on business have indeed, and continue to, reaffirm my self-belief, and my belief in the value of continuing education.
But it’s a continuing education in a much broader education platform than just dentistry. Sometimes there’s a continuum along a valued tangent, that might not have been possible if it had not just been because of dentistry. For instance, it was at a dental mastermind in Chicago that I was introduced to an international speaker and trainer on Customer Service, and from this meeting evolved my learnings to create the necessary skills in myself to recognize the systems I had created at my dental practice, and to repackage those processes as The Ultimate Patient Experience.
And I agree, the beauty of my journey is that I have not only learned from my mentors, but I have also learned from and built ongoing relationships with members of those masterminds and those educational networks.
I agree whole heartedly that when you do invest in yourself and your continuing education you do in fact tell your subconscious that you are believing in yourself, and your ability to take this education and use it as a FORCE FOR GOOD in the future of your business, and for your life direction, and for your family’s life direction.
And it all began for me by wanting to have a better dental practice, and by investing firstly in the services of a dental practice coach for my practice. And choosing a coach who had had and had built a SUCCESSFUL DENTAL PRACTICE.
That was important to me.
There is a definite energy, and a definite confidence that comes to you when you invest wisely, in yourself.
And also when you IMPLEMENT what you have learned.
Because without implementing, you may as well not have bothered to learn the stuff in the first place.
I know of and have met plenty of dentists and people who take plenty of courses and never implement.
Their brains are libraries full of a wealth of information, but their dental practices, and their businesses, are a museum piece of the “old way” that things used to be done.
And that’s a tragedy.
The difference between those that don’t do and those that do is most often because of the hands-on coaching and mentoring.
Having someone there beside you who has walked the road to success, and knows that road, and has helped others along that same road, certainly makes the journey a lot simpler, and a lot shorter in time, than trying to work out mountains of stuff on your own.
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Have you read my book , How To Build The Dental Practice of Your Dreams [Without Killing Yourself!] In Less Than Sixty Days.
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The Ultimate Patient Experience is a simple to build complete Customer Service system in itself that I developed that allowed me to create an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.
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