One of the things we can all be guilty of from time to time is pre-judging, and pre-judging incorrectly.
Whether it be things, events, or people, human beings always tend to be pre-judgers.
The question is why?
“Why do people pre-judge?”
The reason is because of fear.
People pre-judge mostly as a result of fear.
Judging and categorizing of other people and things is the most efficient way for people to reinforce the assumptions on which they base their core view of reality.
In reality, our essential view of the world and ourselves is the sum of everything that we have thought and experienced. It is also limited by any experiences, thoughts and emotions that we refuse or deny.
All people are hard-wired to enjoy the feeling being right and to enjoy the process of making correct predictions about what they see and experience.
For most people it is important to have their judgments and predictions continually reinforced, even though it doesn’t actually matter if those predictions are accurate.
Because as it turns out most people are quite terrible at pre-judging.
However, the emotional need to be a pre-judger remains…
While Jayne and I were away on a recent road trip…
While Jayne and I were away on a recent road trip we visited a number of regional wineries and enjoyed their cellar door tasting experiences.
At one cellar door, we enjoyed engaging in a very interesting and meaningful discussion with our server Simon about his experiences with judging and pre-judging visitors to his cellar door, and talking about his successes and failures, and whether in fact he was a good pre-judger or not.
On the whole, Simon reported, that as a pre-judger he was in fact a poor judge as to whether patrons were going to be serious wine connoisseurs or not, and whether or not they were going to be purchasers of significant quantities of wine.
This was quite interesting.
For a person to be admitting their judgments could be incorrect means examining their own perception of their reality along with any resistances they might have towards certain aspects of that reality.
That’s because most people have minds that work more out of mechanical instinct, persuasion and habit, than logic or truth.
Are you a pre-judger?
Years ago a man turned up in my dental practice one morning without an appointment, asking whether I could have a look at his teeth.
He was dressed very casually in a flannelette shirt. In fact he looked very “working class”.
I was able to see him, and in discussion I found out that he was a small business owner, providing shelving to a major hardware retailer.
And that he had just won ten million dollars in the lottery.
And he wanted to get his teeth fixed.
He had come to our building primarily to see a hair studio in the building, but had seen on our practice listed on the tenant directory in the foyer and thought that he might “kill two birds with one stone” on his visit.
Had I not treated this person with independent respect, he may not have invested with me in improving his oral health.
Had I not treated this patient with independent respect, he may have perceived some inherent indifference from me towards him.
You just never know…
LIVE Workshop: Dr David Moffet and Jayne Bandy:
“How To Easily Run, Maintain And Grow The Ultimate Dental Practice In 2022 and Beyond”
If you’re sick and tired of drilling all day long, and not having anything close to what you deserve, to show for it… or if you’ve ever wondered, “What can successful dentists POSSIBLY know, that I don’t?”… then register for this LIVE workshop Thursday April 28, 2022 in Brisbane QLD
Need your phones monitored?
Are you concerned about the number of calls that are not being answered as best they can be?
You need Call Tracking Excellence.
For the cost of a less than one cleaning per week, you could have your phones being answered much much better….
Convert more calls into appointments…Click the link:
Call Jayne on 1300 378 044 or email for more details.
Have you read my book , How To Build The Dental Practice of Your Dreams [Without Killing Yourself!] In Less Than Sixty Days.
You can order your copy here: Click Link To Order
The Ultimate Patient Experience is a simple to build complete Customer Service system in itself that I developed that allowed me to create an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.
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