“Service is the desire to put the interest of others before ourselves.” – John DiJulius III
This weekend just gone I was given the opportunity of living this ideology.
Now, I’m often concerned that people think the idea of giving service is simply a catchphrase.
Something overused yet rarely followed.
And sure, there’s the belief out there that people only do things for an ulterior motive.
“You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.”
is the antithesis of the DiJulius quote.
And why wouldn’t you expect that sort of belief about the back scratching, to be more the norm in a society where WIIFM is at the forefront of most people’s mind.
[WIIFM = What’s In It For Me?]
This is why, when a business, or a Dental Office chooses to be a servant to it’s customers, and be a true service, it stands out from other businesses in its town and other businesses in its industry, because it is indeed being truly different.
A dental office acting on the principle of giving, rather than taking, will always be the dentist sought out by the people in that town who really care.
And isn’t that a nicer thing to be known for?
Wouldn’t you much rather be known for your service and your care than be known as the cheapest dentist in town?
Because in every town, in every industry there will always be twenty to twenty five percent of the population who are happy to pay for your service and who *DO NOT EVEN CARE* what your competitors are charging.
Because they’re happy with your product and appreciative of the service that you provide.
And it’s when we operate our business from this premise and from this mantra we have the opportunity to really enjoy the gift of giving service.
Because in doing so, it allows us to charge what we are truly worth rather than what we feel is comparative or comparable to what our meanest competitors are charging.
And with that higher fee and that fee buffer or cushion that we create, we know that we will attract a more appreciative client or customer.
Which means we can now spend more time with those people and so give them more service.
It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy…..
So here’s my story.
This weekend I attended an annual meeting of the finest speakers and consultants and writers in the dental industry.
It’s a meeting that I have attended for six years now in a row.
It’s an American meeting, and strangely, I’m usually the token Australian present.
So this year, here’s what happened.
At the welcome cocktail function, I was introduced to one of the keynote speakers, who by coincidence, was also an Australian like me, though unlike me, she was now living in the USA.
Interestingly, as we conversed, she let me know that speaking to a dental audience was new for her, and that she was very interested in the possibility of booking more engagements in the dental industry.
I asked her whether she knew many of the attendees, and she let me know that she did not.
And so I went to work for at her service.
At the end of the function I had introduced our speaker to four significant dental industry key people with whom she could connect with following the meeting.
I was her maven.
The fun thing about my role that evening was the satisfaction that I felt in offering a helping hand, and being knowing able to open a few doors.
But that’s not all.
The following morning, after listening to our keynote speaker and her content, I was able to suggest a specific very popular meeting for her, and with the stroke of one email and an SMS, I put that meeting planner and our speaker in touch with each other.
Both were very appreciative of making that immediate connection.
I felt like Melanie Griffith in the movie Working Girl.
I was excited!
Now, I hope it all works out.
But I’m sure that what I did with those introductions will be a catalyst for bigger and better things.
I was amazed at the feelings of goodwill created by my having put the interests of others ahead of my own.
Because I had no interests other than for a happy ending.
How can we do that at our Dental Office?
How can we put the interests of others ahead of our own?
How can our team members do the same?
I know there a myriad of opportunities to do so…
We only need to open our minds, and our hearts, to the process.
And when we do, providence will move….
And it will be wonderful….
My upcoming in depth two day workshops will be held in London in August.
You can reserve your places here: Click Link To Order
Have you read my book , How To Build The Dental Practice of Your Dreams [Without Killing Yourself!] In Less Than Sixty Days.
You can order your copy here: Click Link To Order
The Ultimate Patient Experience is a simple to build complete Customer Service system in itself that I developed that allowed me to create an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.
Email me at david@theupe.com
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