One of my dental coaching clients has recently, in the last twelve months, morphed her office from being a high-volume Medicaid patient office to now being Medicaid free.
Actually, I think she completed this task in eight months.
How would you feel having to transform your business in such a short time?
And what do you think would be the results of such a transformation?
A couple of years ago I told you about a dentist friend of mine in USA who sacked more than half of his dental patients and concentrated only on seeing the patients that he liked to see for the dentistry that he liked to do….
How do you think that transformation went?
The answers to both these questions are very very similar
In both cases, the dentists have ended up seeing fewer patients but have ended up with dramatic increases in collections revenue.
How could that be?
The answer is very simple.
Both of these dentists have come to the realisation that the answer is there in the WHAT that you do rather than being there in the HOW MANY that you do.
In the case of the first dentist measured, she has just now closed off the books for a calendar month which has been a practice record in terms of collections.
And this despite the fact that she is now seeing fewer patients.
You see, she is seeing more of the right sort of patients and far fewer of the wrong sorts of patients.
This was the same for my USA dentist friend who reorganized the type of work that he was doing and concentrated on the type rather than on the volume of work.
In his case, collections rose over three hundred percent!!
This is not just a phenomenon exclusive to dentistry.
Recently I heard of a [non-dental] consultant working with a client whose average spend was $300.00 to acquire a new customer.
The consultant wanted the client to target a specific type of new customer, but the average spend forecast for this new campaign was going to be $900.00 per new customer.
Needless to say, the client had a conniption, bit the consultant was able to persuade the client to “dip his toe” and run the campaign.
The result?
New clients as a result of the new campaign, had an average initial spend of $8500.00.
Old clients from the old campaign had an historic initial spend of $3000.00
And the lifetime of all customers for this business was traditionally a four-year period, so there was considerable upside to the new campaign.
What happened next?
Apparently the client persisted with the new campaign, but somehow couldn’t bring himself to come to grips with the fact that he was spending now three times more than he previously had to acquire a customer, despite that customer being considerably more valuable for very little overhead increase.
And so the client morphed back to his old self….
Ask yourself this:
Is there an imaginary line in the sand, an invisible glass ceiling that you are imposing on yourself that is weighing you down and preventing you from leaping forwards and transforming your business into something dramatically better than you had ever imagined?
My dental coaching client said this to me:
She said:
“You know, I probably could have one day worked it out for myself, but without you there holding my hand, it may have been a long time, and maybe never before I’d ever have gotten around to doing anything about it, if at all…”
We all need a helping hand.
Imagine how many poor decisions you’ve made to not do something, and how different things might have been had you done them?
Who’s got your back?
My next public speaking presentation showing Dentists how to grow their Dental practices will be in Dallas Texas on Friday November 3 2017 with Jayne Bandy.
For more information and to secure your seat click this link here.
I will also be presenting at a Symposium on growing your Dental Practice in 2018 in Sydney Australia on Saturday December 2 2017 with leading experts Kinnar Shah, Angus Pryor, Jayne Bandy and Toni Surace .
For more information and to secure your seat click this link here.
Have you read my book , How To Build The Dental Practice of Your Dreams [Without Killing Yourself!] In Less Than Sixty Days.
You can order your copy here: Click Link To Order
The Ultimate Patient Experience is a simple to build complete Customer Service system in itself that I developed that allowed me to create an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.
Email me at
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