Have You Really Got The Best Team Possible?

I’ve been on a number of committees in my time.

And committees are just like teams.

Except they’re very often unpaid.

For a good committee to function well, every member must know their role and know what they have to do.

Not just for themselves to do.

But also what to do for each other.

And it’s the same in a Dental Office.

A good committee, or dare I say it, a committee of good members, is only as strong as the weakest member allows the committee to be, through their actions, and their inactions.

And it is the same in a Dental Office.

Frustrations can occur when good team members and great team members are restrained and curtailed by the inadequacies of other members of the Dental team.

Good effective committees also need good leadership.

And so do good Dental teams.

Ineffectual leadership, and wishy-washy direction from the top can hamper the productive juices of those who just want to get on with what they need to do, for the betterment of the practice, or the business.

Which of course is for the betterment of the valued clientele, and patients.

And is ultimately, for the betterment, of the team.

I’ve been serving as secretary of a local sporting group.

And I know that the role of the secretary is a thankless task.

And I know that the secretary often has to run around being a nursemaid…

Well my role, in disseminating information to the members of the body has been hindered considerably by a captain who has failed to follow protocol and pass on necessary event results.

And because of this the membership suffers.

Do the members suffer because the captain failed his duty?

Or do the members suffer because the secretary failed to do the nurse-maiding?

Either way, the committee has let the membership down.

By inaction.

So how are things in your Dental Office?

Is there a “gunner” leading your business?

“Gunner do this. Gunner do that”?

But never gets around to doing anything, much.

To the frustrations of those on the team begging for direction and leadership.

Or is your captain a great director, and leader, but your team has members who are not as effective as they should be?

Does your team have too many reactive members and insufficient proactive members?

Your team needs the right balance.

And the correct balance depends upon the desired results you want for your business.

There’s no point building a team and seeing what they can achieve.

That’s getting the cart before the horse.

You need to know what you want the team to achieve, and then find the right members, with the right behaviours to achieve that desired result.

Not the other way around.


My Two-Day Workshop in Las Vegas September 25 and 26 will explain to you the COMPLETE  Ultimate Patient Experience process in detail. cover in greater depth how to address simple changes that create BIG RESULTS.
For all the details about Las Vegas, CLICK HERE.


My One-Day Workshops cover in greater depth how to address simple changes that create BIG RESULTS.
For more details about my Australian workshops in August 2015, CLICK HERE.
These will be my final workshops in Australia for 2015.


Have you read my book , How To Build The Dental Practice of Your Dreams [Without Killing Yourself!] In Less Than Sixty Days.

You can order your copy here: Click Link To Order


The Ultimate Patient Experience is a simple to build complete Customer Service system in itself that I developed that allowed me to create an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.

Email me at david@theupe.com

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