I’m writing this blog article as I wing my way across the south of the USA from Raleigh-Durham to Miami.
There’s an interesting thought, as I watch out my window and look at all the vast expanses of farmland out there in the South of America.
I think:
“How Big Is Your Paddock?”
How big is your market?
Sometimes I take a few breaths when someone says to me:
“But my market isn’t big enough….”
It’s a weird statement.
Because you can make your market as big or as small as you want it to be.
The World is Your Oyster.
It truly is.
You have the choice.
You can live entirely in your own backyard and never venture across the street, or down the street, or dare I say it, out of your town?
Or you can take that big step outside of your world, outside of your small world, and enter the big wide world.
Which world do you choose?
Could you imagine what the world would have missed out on if Keith Urban had never ventured across the pond to Nashville?
And both KISS and Billy Joel credit their success to “breaking it” in the Australian music markets firstly.
Who out there in the big wide world wants what you have to offer but just doesn’t know you yet?
You have the talent….
You’re known and respected in your community…but what about the next village?
Would people travel across the state to receive your dental services, because they’ve heard what a wonderful service and experiences you provide to your clients and patients?
If your service is so good, it won’t take long before an endless stream of patients start beating a path to your door.
Do you have what it takes?
Are you open to the thought of growing your business?
My good friend Dr Charles Samaras told me that Linda Miles said to him:
“If you don’t change you won’t grow.”
Sometimes the change we need is a pair of binoculars.
Sometimes all we need to grow our business is to cast our nets a little wider and a little farther.
Are you thinking big?
Are you thinking growth?
How will you grow your business if you do not think outside of your own little world?
It is a great big world out there beyond the hundred acre wood.
And that world wants what you have to offer.
Are you willing to take that step forward?
Because, if you are, there is a huge land of opportunity awaiting…
Make sure you subscribe to my monthly Dental Water Cooler Podcast Series…. “The Ultimate Patient Experience”
Click on this link for all details
My next public speaking presentation showing Dentists how to grow their Dental practices will be in Sydney on November 9-10 and in Melbourne on November 12-13 with Dr Christopher Phelps, Dr Nathan Jeal, Mr Alex Lalovic and Mr Tiger Safarov.
For more information and to secure your seat click this link here.
Have you read my book , How To Build The Dental Practice of Your Dreams [Without Killing Yourself!] In Less Than Sixty Days.

Email me at david@theupe.com
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