Have you ever been somewhere where you feel as if the person serving you is simply going through the motions?
I remember writing last year about the time that I was waiting in line at the post office, and when I arrived at the front of the line and was next to be served I was called to the available counter with the announcement of:
“Next waiting!”
Only to look behind me, after being served and seeing that there had been nobody EXCEPT FOR ME waiting when I was called with
“Next waiting!”
At my old golf club, my golf buddies and I swore there was a tray stewardess who had written on her hand the following:
“Can. I. Take. Your. Order. Please.”
Although she may not have purposefully meant to have sounded so robotic, it simply appeared that every time that this girl spoke it was as if she was reading from a very disjointed script….
When I wrote my Amazon #1 Bestseller “How To Build The Dental Practice Of Your Dreams [Without Killing Yourself] In Less Than Sixty Days” the best bit of advice I received was from my good friend Jack Daly who had also just published his first book.
The advice came from Jack’s dear wife Bonnie, who had said to Jack, after reading Jack’s book, she said:
“It sounds just like you talking to me.”
Powerful words.
So many times when I see speakers starting out on their careers I see their on stage personas as being completely different to their off stage personas.
And that creates incongruity.
In the same way, I see dentists and dental teams trying to morph into people that they really are not for the sake of trying to be able to present something, be it a case presentation or be it a simply offering professional advice.
And that’s wrong.
The same goes for online media and social media.
Sure it’s time efficient to delegate these tasks of keeping abreast of all of the media demands that are out there to someone else in the dental office, but really, if you’re trying to get your customers and patients to buy YOU, then why present them with an understudy.
As much as you think that your patients and customers will not notice that it is really your Dental Assistant or someone else even who is doing your social media [even sometimes], the truth is that every time that you delegate one of these tasks there is a significant probability that you will indeed disconnect with a significant customer.
And the pain of regret may be very long lasting….
Your long-term patients will know whether it is really you or it is not you.
And it is your long-term patients who you want to hang around.
They make up the twenty percent of your patients who pay eighty percent of your collections.
Don’t mess with them or take them for granted….they will remember…
Have you read my book , How To Build The Dental Practice of Your Dreams [Without Killing Yourself!] In Less Than Sixty Days.
You can order your copy here: Click Link To Order
The Ultimate Patient Experience is a simple to build complete Customer Service system in itself that I developed that allowed me to create an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.
Email me at david@theupe.com
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