This quote appeared across my desk again this week… it comes from Forbes contributing writer Jessica Hagy:
“Nothing destroys a good idea faster than a mandatory consensus. The lowest common denominator is never a high standard.”
The quote implies [successfully] that most of the time, if we want to kill a great idea, then ask a lot of people what they think of your idea.
What you’ll find is that of those people you ask, most of them will have IDEA ENVY meaning that they wish that they’d have been smart enough to have thought up what you just shared with them…. but because they weren’t that smart, their socialistic or narcissistic response is to try to kill off your dream idea so that you don’t ever leave them behind in the backwash from your success as you sail off into the sunset.
I had a friend who was always so hesitant to take an idea and run with it… so needy was he for broad consensus as to whether or not he was making the correct decision, that he never made many decisions that I could remember…
In fact he was the king of “missing the boat”
He never ever seized the day.
Sometimes to achieve success you’ve got to take the bull by the horns, and throw caution to the wind, and trust your instincts.
As Henry Ford said:
“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”
Thank goodness Henry ignored the consensus of the ignorant.
In 1996…
In 1996, I had the feeling that my dental practice was underperforming… I had spaces every week in my books, and I knew I could do better. It had flatlined for four years at an annual turnover of $400K per year
But people in the industry told me:
“David, your doing OK…your practice is doing double what the average dental practice is doing…”
And so I believed them…until one day I met a dentist who was doing double what I was doing… and I knew then that I had to find out what he was doing, and apply that to my practice…
And so what I did was that over the next fifteen years, I grew the turnover of my dental practice from $400K per year in 1996, to a turnover of $3.4M per year in 2011… in the space of fifteen years I added $3M to the turnover of my practice…
Like to know what I did to grow my practice by $3M in fifteen years?
Email me: and put “3M” in the subject line. And I’ll let you know…
What I did was create consistent and sustainable growth in my practice, by simply looking at what everyone was doing, and getting them all to sing from the one hymn book…
And the rest, was history….
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Have you read my book , How To Build The Dental Practice of Your Dreams [Without Killing Yourself!] In Less Than Sixty Days.
You can order your copy here: Click Link To Order
The Ultimate Patient Experience is a simple to build complete Customer Service system in itself that I developed that allowed me to create an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.
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