I’m always surprised at the things that go on in the everyday running of a Dental Office.
A lot of it makes no real sense.
I cannot fathom what logic even exists for the employees of a Dental Office to even expect that they can turn up, and be paid to work in a facility, yet they have the expectation that they can practice dentistry, speak, and behave, in their “own style”, rather than in the way that the owner of the facility requests.
How is this so?
Why do employees, with no skin in the game, no money down, turn up and treat patients and speak to patients in the way they want to rather than the way that the owner of the Business asks them to?
Where the heck does this mindset come from?
Is it because most Dentists, as Owners, are so poorly trained in Business Skills and Human Resources?
Are they even trained in these skills at all at Dental school?
Is it this lack of training and education that then creates an expectation within the industry of:
“Well, let’s see how we go then?”
Could you imagine an NBA basketball team that operated under those same principles?
Firstly, who would invest in such a rabble?
Why would anyone allow a group of players to enter a court without preparation, skills practice, play rehearsal, a mission, and a game plan?
It would just be a mess!
Yet most Dental Offices teams don’t have a common game plan, don’t have a mission, don’t prepare, never rehearse and rarely practice verbal skills and training moves.
Most Dental Offices just make it up as they go, practicing with live bullets on real time patients, on the phone and in the Office.
What we really should see, always, is a Dental Office with a true Mission and common purpose and a dedicated plan of preparation and training.
Where all those who work there have a common purpose, and are trained to work towards and behave and produce for that common purpose.
Not to work with their “own style”.
Could you imagine a visit to a McDonalds store where everyone worked with their “own style”, rather than follow the franchise manual?
It is testimony to McDonalds that they have developed a global best practice system that has predominantly teenage employees following a set system, doing all things in a designated pre-determined way, saying pre-determined things that have been well thought out, as well as practiced and rehearsed.
What makes one Dentist come into a Dental Office and treat disease, while another Dentist, in the same Office just wants to put a watch on things?
What the heck does that even mean?
“Put a watch?”
Watches are things that you put on your wrist.
They don’t go on teeth!
Why is the average New Patient value for one Dentist in an Office considerably different to that of another dentist?
Why do two different hygienists in the same Dental Office have two different sets of figures when it comes to the ratios of patients in maintenance on three-monthly versus six-monthly programmes?
Why are some front office people fabulous with Appointment scheduling, yet others seem to be accepting higher cancellation and reschedule calls?
How has it come about within the profession that this sort of dichotomy even exists between two people employed to do the exact same roles within the same Dental Office?
In reality, consistency of delivery should be paramount in the Core Values that the business operates under.
Consistency then provides a stable level of expectation for our valued Customers, Clients and Patients.
So that they speak highly of our Dental Office.
Consistency of Delivery also then provides employees and Dental Office Owners with a level of expectation as to how the business will perform, along with an expectation of the long-term future and viability of the business.
We owe those expectations to our customers, to our Owners, and to our Team members.
Behaviours and practices that do not work toward those consistencies need to be addressed.
All Dental Offices should operate under Best Practice principles.
With clear and defined guidelines and protocols.
Not a rabble of people operating in their “own style”…
Have you read my book , How To Build The Dental Practice of Your Dreams [Without Killing Yourself!] In Less Than Sixty Days.
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The Ultimate Patient Experience is a simple to build complete Customer Service system in itself that I developed that allowed me to create an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.
Email me at david@theupe.com
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