I love to fine dine.
Now and then.
Not every day.
Or every week even.
So that when I do, it’s special.
The thing about fine dining for me is it’s not about the food.
Sure, the food has to be good.
The food must be good.
But the best thing about fine dining, I find, is the experience.
The total experience.
My wife and I celebrate our birthdays, and our anniversary, by fine dining at lunch.
And by good fortune, these three annual events are well spaced fairly evenly throughout the year.
March, August, and December.
And funnily enough, we’ve been celebrating by dining at one of Sydney’s finest, three times per year, for as long as we can remember.
Something like ten to fifteen years.
What we like best is how we’re welcomed back each time.
Like a long lost family member.
We love how we “catch up” with each of the wait staff, and how each one of them “visit’” with us, at each serving of our lunch.
When we’ve finished lunch, we schedule our next visit, and it’s made, without question.
In fact, we feel like we’ve become so much a part of the family, that when we sometimes bump into staff from here that have moved on, when we occasionally dine elsewhere, we find that remarkably, there’s a bond there that still remains.
It’s an amazing feeling, to be valued, as a valued, regular client.
It’s this feeling, this feeling of being valued, this feeling of connection, that I try to recreate in my Dental Office with my own valued clients and patients.
I want the staff in my Office to be treating the patients as guests, and not just teeth and mouths.
In the same way that our favourite restaurant considers my wife and I to be guests, and not just diners.
When I dine there, I never look at the bill.
I simply sign it.
Because we’ve always experienced exceptional service and value.
It’s about the experience.
Not about the food.
How is it at your Dental Practice?
Is it about the experience?
Or is it simply about the teeth?
Because if it’s just about the teeth, then people will be fickle…
But if it’s about the experience, about the connection…
That’s something truly special.
Truly magical.
My Two-Day Workshop in Las Vegas September 25 and 26 will explain to you the COMPLETE Ultimate Patient Experience process in detail. cover in greater depth how to address simple changes that create BIG RESULTS.
For all the details about Las Vegas, CLICK HERE.
My One-Day Workshops cover in greater depth how to address simple changes that create BIG RESULTS.
For more details about my Australian workshops in August 2015, CLICK HERE.
Have you read my book , How To Build The Dental Practice of Your Dreams [Without Killing Yourself!] In Less Than Sixty Days.
You can order your copy here: Click Link To Order
The Ultimate Patient Experience is a simple to build complete Customer Service system in itself that I developed that allowed me to create an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.
Email me at david@theupe.com
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