The wonderful thing about being a Dentist and owning a Dental Office in the western world is that you are pretty well able to create the practice that you want wherever you want.
And do it!
Now there’s a bold statement.
I hear you say:
“But my market is different”
“But what about the economy?”
Now let’s think “businesses” for a minute….
Have you ever noticed that there are some businesses that do well despite adverse economic and market difficulties?
Why should your Dental Office be any different?
People will always have teeth.
People will always eat poorly.
There will always be people with poor oral hygiene.
There will always be people with money.
Have you ever noticed during tough times and in tough locations there are always luxury car dealerships?
They don’t seem to have difficulties?
And you never read about the Ritz-Carlton ore the Four Seasons having to close down their Hotels because their regular guests are now staying at Motel 6 instead?
I heard recently that twenty to twenty-five percent of consumers out there do not care about what you or your competitors charge because they consider your fee for whatever you do [be it dentistry or otherwise] as being exceptionally good value.
Do you really care what your hairdresser charges for a cut, shampoo and blow dry?
And his competitors?
When you go to your favourite restaurant, do you sit there adding up the prices of the components of your meal before you order, or do you simply “sign for it” at the end?
And that’s how dentistry can be too.
And I know it because I built a Dental Practice just like that, based on those principles, in a *VERY* working class part of Sydney.
But even through difficult economic times in my town, there was a BMW dealership and a Porsche dealership that never seemed to waiver.
Why is that?
Because they focused their business on looking after the customers who wanted their product.
And not trying to be all things to all people.
Because trying to please all people is a way of pleasing very few.
And with nearly one quarter of your surrounding population out there being happy to pay your fees that you determine no matter what, provided you deliver a great service and product, then why would you *NOT* be trying to always be marketing to and attracting those kind of patients.
Because they are out there.
And there are plenty of them.
None of these people want to loose their teeth any sooner than they have to.
None of these people want to have a smile that is ugly.
None of these people will choose a breath that would knock the petals off a flower at fifteen feet.
If you build it they will come.
But if you don’t build it, you will be just like every other dentist out there.
You’ll simply be a commodity.
And consumers choose commodities on not much else than price.
And that’s a difficult market.
Have you read my book , How To Build The Dental Practice of Your Dreams [Without Killing Yourself!] In Less Than Sixty Days.
You can order your copy here: Click Link To Order
The Ultimate Patient Experience is a simple to build complete Customer Service system in itself that I developed that allowed me to create an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.
Email me at
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