It doesn’t take much to be better at customer service than you are, but it does take effort.
And that’s where most businesses fall down.
“Why do I have to do that?”
When I am asked this question I feel frustrated.
Ask yourself this question:
“As a customer in any business, would you rather receive recognition or no recognition?”
Would you rather be ignored?
Or acknowledged?
Would you rather be asked a question?
Or would you rather receive a glancing look down the nose?
The thing is, a smile is inexpensive to give, but the benefits of giving someone an acknowledging smile are dramatic.
A smile sent is nearly always reciprocated.
Receiving a smile is uplifting.
A smile sent is a simple way of non-verbally saying:
“I see you.”
“I’ll be with you.”
It’s all about recognition.
Babies cry for it and grown men die for it.
Are you recognising the presence of your customers?
At every possible opportunity?
Why would you not?
Why would you keep your head buried behind a reception desk or a computer monitor when a living, breathing person walks into your dental front office?
And that living, breathing person is more than likely going to pay your office some money, which will help pay your salary?
Wouldn’t it make sense to then treat that living breathing person with some respect, by acknowledging them? So that they became a regular customer, and hopefully one day a loyal patron of your business who stays, pays, and refers?
When you fail to acknowledge you pure and simply offend.
Why would anyone choose to act this way?
When you pass a patient in a corridor in your office, do you smile and say “Hello”?
Or do you look the other way?
Or look down?
What about when you pass another teasm member in your corridor?
Which way do you look?
Do you smile and acknowledge them?
And what if a patient is with them and sees you do this?
When you enter a treatment room and other team members and patients are in there, do you excuse yourself and acknowledge each and every person in that room?
And if not, why not?
If you don’t, why don’t you?
Is it difficult?
How hard is it to stop and say “Hello” to everyone in the room….and I mean *EVERYONE*!!
I’m a really big fan of the *Five Foot Rule.*
And that is, that if another person comes within five feet of you, then you *MUST* acknowledge them.
No questions.
As I visit dental offices around the world, I’m shocked at how often I see dental office team members flagrantly ignoring customers and other team members.
And for what?
Who wants to be known as an ignorant employee?
It’s not a badge of honour I’d want to wear.
My next public speaking presentation showing Dentists how to grow their Dental practices will be in London England on Saturday 4 August 2018 with Jayne Bandy.
Have you read my book , How To Build The Dental Practice of Your Dreams [Without Killing Yourself!] In Less Than Sixty Days.
You can order your copy here: Click Link To Order
The Ultimate Patient Experience is a simple to build complete Customer Service system in itself that I developed that allowed me to create an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.
Email me at
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