Coaching is very much like dentistry.
You need to diagnose the ailment, discuss the treatment modalities, and then decide on a course of treatment.
Much the same as dentistry.
In dentistry we need to diagnose the cause of the pain.
We then need to recommend some solutions.
And then we need to treat.
If we only have one form of treatment modality, and we offer that to all patients, then, by definition, we are deemed negligent for failing to diagnose and treat correctly.
No dentist would do that.
Yet some of these same dentists are out there seeking assistance and coaching in their practice, and are asking their potential coach:
“How much do you charge?”
Even sadder is the fact that there are some coaches out there who offer an answer to this and their services for a flat ONE SIZE FITS ALL fee for those services.
I suppose they say, like a golf coach:
“I’ll treat you for as long as you want treating at this rate until you get better.”
Some dental practice coaches even have a package of modules out there in the market place which they like to plug their potential clients into.
Hoping that some of those modules might hopefully hit the spot for those potential new clients, and that those clients will hang on in the programme for SOME period of time…
Though no two dental practices are really the same, are they?
What really is most important in coaching is finding out and working on the big problem that each practice is trying to solve.
And also the goal that each of those practices is trying to achieve.
In a similar manner, it would be crazy for a dental practice to tell a phone caller that this practice charges “$150.00 for a scale and clean”, without first establishing how dirty the caller’s teeth actually happen to be, or asking what predisposing habits does the caller have [smoking, tea drinking etc.] that could make the cleaning more arduous, or simply asking “How long has it been since your teeth were last cleaned at a dental practice?”
The fact is that to work out where we are going to want to travel to on vacation, we firstly need to know where we are beginning our destination from.
We also need to know what travel method expectations our holiday maker prefers, and also it would be wise to find out from them what their holiday time frame is….they might like to arrive in as short as possible time, or they might prefer a more leisurely style of travel.
You just can’t say:
“This is my fee. Let’s go”.
without first completing a thorough examination of the facts about the client.
Medical status.
Medical history.
Future goals.
Only then as a healer can you offer the client the best possible solution to their problem.
Need your phones monitored?
Are you concerned about the number of calls that are not being answered as best they can be?
You need Call Tracking Excellence.
For the cost of a less than one cleaning per week, you could have your phones being answered much much better….
Convert more calls into appointments…Click the link:
Call Jayne on 1300 378 044 or email for more details.
Have you read my book , How To Build The Dental Practice of Your Dreams [Without Killing Yourself!] In Less Than Sixty Days.
You can order your copy here: Click Link To Order
The Ultimate Patient Experience is a simple to build complete Customer Service system in itself that I developed that allowed me to create an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.
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