I was asked a couple of weeks ago to comment about an opinion in the dental community that dentists who were taking an interest in their customers other than their teeth and gums were really just sleazing.
The commentator felt that his own BS meter went off when ever he was in a business conversation and he was told how “lovely” it was to talk to him.
To me, saying something like that in a business situation is simply a common courtesy extended to identify that there is a human element involved in the equation.
Sure, if you were using an ATM [automatic teller machine] and it asked you if you had plans for the weekend then that would be a little odd, but if you were at the bank and a teller asked you the same question then you’d be grateful for the fact that they were showing an interest in you as a person rather than simply processing your transaction.
And it’s amazing how a simple question, such as:
“How’s your day been?”
has the ability to break down barriers and create connection between total strangers.
Most of us go through our lives craving attention.
If we did not then there would really be no good reason for ironing clothes and combing our hair each morning?
Or for makeup and perfume?
In 2014 when I announced my departure from the dental office that I had owned and operated for more than half my life, one of my patients particularly took the time to thank me personally, face to face, for looking after her.
This lady, who was in her eighties, had become a patient of mine in 1998 when her dentist, whom she had seen for ever and a day, sold me his practice and retired.
When I thanked her for her kind words after she had thanked me, and I said to her,
“well Ken [before me] would have also looked after you in a similar way”
She said:
“Oh him? He never said ‘boo’. All he used to say was ‘Open wide’ at the start of the appointment, and ‘That’s all now’ at the end of the appointment, and never much else, ever.”
And then she said this:
“ You people are really different. I always feel welcome here”
So whenever I hear someone tell me that providing great service gives a poor ROI, I think about this lady.
And sure, she was loyal to poor service before she met me, but only because she didn’t know that better was possible.
However, after meeting me and my team, she was *SOLD* on the great service that we provided her, and she recognised the difference.
Twenty to twenty five percent of the population out there do not care what your competitor charges because they consider the service that you provide them is of an excellent standard.
And that’s not in dentistry.
That’s in lawn mowing and pool cleaning and even comes down to the lady that does your wife’s nails.
It’s a nice twenty to twenty five percent of any market..
That’s a nice section of the marketplace to work in….
Have you read my book , How To Build The Dental Practice of Your Dreams [Without Killing Yourself!] In Less Than Sixty Days.
You can order your copy here: Click Link To Order
The Ultimate Patient Experience is a simple to build complete Customer Service system in itself that I developed that allowed me to create an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.
Email me at david@theupe.com
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