These are challenging times….
A lot of us today are being challenged with the big question of
during these uncertain times….
A number of us are going to struggle to survive over the next few weeks and months.
Here’s what you should be doing today and tomorrow:
Firstly, you should be calling your creditors and your accountant…. TODAY!!
Many creditors out there will be quite happy to offer you the lender, some leniency, during difficult times.
Banks don’t want to be selling off your home or your business during these times.
Everyone knows that these are going to be tough times, but they will end.
And your lenders know this.
So when things improve, the banks want the people who know those assets to still have those possessions.
Not someone else.
And after all, in difficult times, who in their right mind is going to be wanting to buy your business?
Who are the banks going to sell you up to?
Talk to your banks…. They really are there to help you.
And talk to your accountants…. Your accountant can help you negotiate any tax debts you have… the tax office is also cognisant that they want you back up and successful, so that you can pay more tax in the future.
The tax office would rather defer today’s tax debt [that you have] when times are tough, so that you can pay them back in full down the track when times improve.
The tax office will not benefit from bankrupting you.
Now what to do with your spare time when times are challenging…
Here are some other things you can do.
Firstly, you need to plan out your time.
If you have to close your business, your practice, for a week, or two, or four, or more, make a plan as to how you want to spend your time, profitably.
You might find that you have suddenly been given some extra time.
Here’s what I’d be doing:
Firstly, I’d make a list of the things that you need to do.
Plan it.
What do you want to spend your time doing?
Maybe improve your fitness?
Maybe read a few books?
Maybe work on your business plan…
What about some time out?
Some meditation?
Watch some movies?
Do a jigsaw?
Have a regular chat time with your friends and family
Whatever you do, stick to a routine –
Write yourself up a schedule which covers your available time for work as well as time for distractions including family time. Try to go to bed and get up at a similar time each day so that your body gets the sleep it needs. Provide time in your schedule to do nothing and to celebrate getting things completed.
Embrace fresh air:
Go for a walk.
Do it regularly.
Do it every day….
And try to walk a little further each day.
Start each day with a walk and see how good your day will feel…
The more you can exercise the healthier you will feel.
Watch out for thieves of your time.
Don’t get stuck watching too much news.
Limit your exposure to negative people and negative thoughts.
And limit your time on social media…
Daily Plan
If you don’t have a plan, then start planning your business and your life.
Work out what you want your life and your business to look like, into the future.
Then plan the timeline between now and that future.
Chunk it down…work on baby steps.
There has never been a better time than now to build a plan..
Stop Selling
Don’t focus on making sales.
Focus on helping people solve their problems.
Build a mindset around helping, not around selling.
Try and be a friend to your customers.
In your home, construct individual time out spaces –
A lot of us are not used to living twenty-four hours a day with each other and with family members, so delegate specific time out spaces in your home where each person can go to be alone. This should be different from your work space and your relax space. Find your spaces and enjoy them.
Give yourself permission to laugh and talk about non-pandemic related things
Take some time out.
See the funny side about things that are happening. Create situations each day that will lead to laughter.
Take the time out to learn more about yourself and others by having deep conversations about all manner of things.
Remember, this will end…you will get through this and your positive attitude will rub off on others, helping them.
For more up to date information, join Jayne Bandy and me on a LIVE webinar at 4.30pm AEST [Sydney time] today: