The best way for a dental office to stand out in a loud crowded world is to invest in some excellent marketing and advertising in the first instance.
Marketing that really makes your office stand out.
Marketing that says:
“HELLO! We’re different, and here’s why”.
In a recent blog post, I discussed the obvious merit of the business decision of marketing or advertising your dental services. I questioned the reasons why some dentists choose to take this path or track, and other dentists choose not to let the world know about their services, and the levels of service that they provide.
It’s really crazy, really.
You see, sadly, the public on a whole, make the assumption, the incorrect assumption, that all dentists and dental offices provide an equal level of competency in the dental services they deliver to the population.
And that’s understandable.
Because the public are really not educated or informed to the contrary.
They believe that a filling is a filling is a filling.
In the same way they believe that a bottle of milk is a bottle of milk is a bottle of milk.
But we all know that a car is not a car is not a car.
And we know that a house is not a house is not a house.
There’s a difference between cars and cars.
And houses and houses.
What we really need is for the consumers, the population; we need our clients, patients and customers to know that there is a difference between dental services provided by one dental office compared to another.
Because the belief of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Public is that a filling provided by Dr Smith at 123 Alabama Street Dental will be exactly the same as a filling provided by Dr Jones at 456 Zanzibar Road Dental.
Sadly, that’s what most of the population believe.
And I’ve said before that Mr. and Mrs. Joe Public also expect that the team at 123 Alabama Street Dental and the team at 456 Zanzibar Road Dental will have equipment and SOPs and protocols that pretty well are standard, across the board, across the state, across the country.
The public, by and large, believe that dentistry will all be the same no matter where they go to receive their dental services.
That’s what they’re led to believe will be happening.
With that in mind, the only really clear way that Mr. and Mrs. Joe public will identify any a point of difference between one Dental Office and another is the way that the dental office makes them feel special and important.
They’ll remember for a long time the way you treat them, the way you make them feel, and the way you make them feel special.
The best way for a dental office to stand out in a loud crowded world is to invest in some excellent marketing and advertising in the first instance that says “HELLO! We’re different, and here’s why”.
Like I’ve said, I’ve seen plenty of dentists with great clinical skills not reach their maximum earning capacity because of their failure to tell the world, that: “Hey, I’m over here, and here’s why you need to come and see me first and foremost before you even consider going anywhere else for your dentistry.”
In marketing, in advertising, in telling the world about your great business, there is always opportunity.
There is always opportunity to tell the world how good your service is, and why the world, the people out there, should choose you, choose your product, choose your business.
But truth be told, I’ve seen many instances of great dentists *NOT* being successful in business, with their practices, because they failed to tell the world how good they really were.
And the world passed them by.
And that’s disappointing.
There are enough rewards out there for everyone..
If you know your dentistry is good, and you know your services are exemplary, then you owe it to yourself to market and advertise your dental office and let the general population know you are there.
Because they’re looking for you!
There are so many people out there looking for great dentists who provide great service to their clients and customers.
And they don’t know where to find you.
You must let them know where you are.
It’s your obligation to market your services and your office and let the population know where to find you.
So what sort of marketing should you do?
Next week I’ll discuss the types of marketing I’ve seen to work well over the years.
I’ll also discuss some recent bad marketing and brainless marketing I’ve seen that only transfers your money into the accounts of pirates and bandits.
And I’ll discuss the thinking out there in the dental industry that unknowingly supports those bandits.
Well I hope it’s unknowingly….
The Ultimate Patient Experience is a simple to build complete Customer Service system in itself that I developed that allowed me to create an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.
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