On Tuesday morning last week I had significant eye surgery to remove a very large floater from my left eye, which had been obscuring my vision, for some time.
When I consulted with the surgeon the week before the operation, and asked him how big this floater was, he said that on a scale of 1-10, where 10 was the largest, this one was a 9.
He said it was one of the biggest floaters that he had ever seen!!
However, getting the surgery done was not a simple process.
Initially, the surgeon had wanted for me to wait another four months, because he said, that sometimes these floaters have a chance of breaking up on their own.
When I questioned him about the chances, he suggested maybe this one had a 30% chance of dispersing.
But I wasn’t convinced.
I was sure that if I was to wait four months, the odds were going to be against me of any improvement, and it would be four months of my life wasted.
It would mean I would return to see the surgeon after that four months, with an increased hatred for him for wasting my time.
And I didn’t want that to be what happened.
I was ready….
Although, I’ve got to say that with an eye operation, and I mean any eye operation, as a patient you have to have concerns and doubts as to whether you’re doing the right thing.
The surgeon had warned me that although this procedure was, for him, a routine procedure, and although he probably did more of these operations than many other surgeons, there did exist a chance of one in five thousand that I could go blind.
And although he was highly skilled, there was that chance.
And the thought of going blind does weigh heavily on your mind when you decide to have the surgery.
Nobody wants to go blind.
So what happened?
Well, after the operation, you have no vision in that eye for the first twenty-four hours, and that’s probably because the darned thing is bandaged up and closed, so you cannot see through all that even if you wanted to.
Finally, on the day after surgery, you visit the surgeon and he looks at his work on your eye, and he says:
“Your eye looks very good. I’m happy with how the operation went and with how your eye is healing. I’ll see you again in five days at my rooms.”
The vision you have through that eye could best be described as looking through some swimming goggles filled with water.
It’s quite blurry.
And the post-operative paperwork tells you that with time, the “appearance” of fluid in the eye will reduce, and vision will be restored.
Indeed, it is a definite LEAP OF FAITH.
Well, fast forward three days to the Saturday morning and I wake up and the water level in that left eye has dropped down and I am surprised at the improvement in my vision in the top half of my eye.
There was a dramatic improvement in the clarity of vision that I had.
I went out for a morning walk, and as I went for my walk, I was able to see things that I had not been able to see or hadn’t been seeing for some time.
And so with that improvement, I literally cannot wait and I am really looking forward to the rest of that fluid in that eye dissipating and gaining full vision back, in that eye.
So what’s my point?
My point is this:
What’s just happened to me with my eye is the same thing that happens to a lot of people, but with their lives and with their businesses.
Things start going bad, gradually, and they don’t realise that things are indeed going bad, ever so gradually.
I didn’t realise that my vision was gradually getting worse and worse and worse, until it got really, really bad.
And then I reached out.
I reached out for help.
But a lot of people don’t ever reach out when their businesses are going bad…
Or they reach out, but it is to the wrong people.
They reach out for advice from uneducated, well meaning friends and relatives, whose sole aim is to save their friend from any benefits that could be gained by making possible improvements to their lives.
You know I spoke to the surgeon and he wanted me to wait for another four months, but I knew that I needed to take action.
But sometimes with our businesses and with our lives we could have a problem, and when we discuss it with someone, that person says:
“You’re doing all right compared to other people…”
“What are you complaining about, just pull your head in….”
“Things will be alright let’s just keep going as they are…”
Sadly, people do that.
They ask the wrong people.
They take this sort of poor advice and they do nothing and procrastination kills their lives and kills their businesses.
Instead, they should have taken action.
It’s only that taking of action that results in improved clarity.
That’s what I did. I took action.
I said to the surgeon we need to get this done now.
I told him:
“I want to get this done. It has been impacting on my daily functions in terms of computer work, in terms of seeing things at golf, when driving, when working at the radio station….”
It really was affecting my day to day life.
And I’m so glad that I took that action.
Sometimes in your business you need to do exactly what I did.
You need to bite the bullet, get the help, and move forward.
If there’s something that’s bugging you, then seek professional advice. Get somebody with the ability to provide that professional advice that you need.
And take action.
Advice without action is pointless.
Seek that advice because the clarity comes from having somebody else there to look at your problems with you and help you solve those problems.
There is always help.
There is always help out there.
You’ve just got to ask for it.
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