There are always those days in your life that you remember forever.
Or should I say, those days in your life that you never forget.
Days that stamp themselves indelibly in your psyche.
You know them.
We all have them.
For me, one such day was a day some twenty-five years ago.
I attended an all-day seminar.
It was a seminar with a line-up of speakers of epic proportion.
A line-up of superstars.
The day began with Brad Cooper, who was very entertaining. And then followed Stephen Covey, talking about his Seven Habits. Sadly, Stephen Covey has left this earth now.
Rounding out the morning was the enigmatic Brian Tracy.
The afternoon session began with broadcaster Alan Jones, and the day finished off with Norman Schwarzkopf and then Lee Iacocca.
It was indeed a star-studded line-up.
A good friend of mine was working for the organisation that put this show together.
And I remember talking to him on the phone during the week after the event.
And I said:
“Rob, I can’t believe how rude some of the attendees were at the event.”
I said:
“I felt so sorry for Brian Tracy, with all those people getting up and walking out for an early lunch while he was telling the audience how they could buy his recordings.”
I said:
“It looked so bad”
And Rob said to me:
“David. Don’t feel so sorry for Brian Tracy. I’ll have you know, that Brian Tracy sold more information product that day than the other five speakers added up and combined…”
Now I’ll never know whether some of those people walking out during Brian Tracy’s session were actually WALKING OUT, or whether they were walking out to purchase some of Brian’s product?
But whichever way you look at it, Brian was there that day to ensure that those who wanted to learn from him actually had the opportunity to receive MORE from him.
And those who didn’t want any more from Brian had the opportunity to walk away and say “No thank you.”
Because, you see, if Brian had decided he was going to be pressured into not offering any product to his audience by those who thought him to be too salesy, then Brian would have accidentally “played God” and predetermined their destiny, without ever giving them the opportunity to choose to take more information from him.
And that would have been a travesty.
Who in the audience has the right to prevent other attendees from taking that BIG step towards improvement?
Just because those selfish people came there to hear information, and did not want to buy information.
Statistics will show that over 70% of all seminar attendees do NOTHING with the notes they have taken at workshops much like these.
Why should the seventy percent who do nothing with their seminar notes have any say whatsoever in the educations of others who wish to learn and improve.
The goal of those who provide ongoing continuing education at these events is to be able to do the most they can with the little time that they have.
And it is those presenters’ duties to ensure that appropriate information can be offered to all attendees so that those who want to can choose to partake in additional education.
It’s a choice.
The audience is made up of grown adults who are free to choose.
A speaker who does not offer that choice to an audience, and sends his audience home with NOTHING extra, is professionally negligent.
It’s the same in dentistry.
As dentists, if we were only to do bare minimum dentistry, and not offer our patients more comprehensive options, we would indeed be failing our duty of care to them.
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