One of the great things about being a thought leader in your chosen career is the ability or permission or invitations extended to you to Mastermind with fellow like minded people in a conducive think tank environment.
These mastermind sessions are invaluable in business as a relevant event because they act as an incubator for wonderful ideas that can be used and developed in relation to your business.
Mastermind groups serve as closed-door open forums, if that’s at all possible, to provide an environment for new ideas to be postulated and for successful ideas to be shared. The closed-door nature means that what gets said in the room stays in the room. So Mastermind participants are free to share ideas and results openly.
Last weekend I had the pleasure of attending an annual Mastermind meeting of Exceptional Australian Dentists. This group has been meeting annually now for some eleven years, or twelve meetings.
While it has sometimes been a chore for some members to drag themselves away from the daily minutia that engrosses their lives, for others of us, Mastermind meetings are like a breath of fresh air, providing a well-needed shot in the arm of ideas, methods and new technologies. It’s really a great feeling leaving a masterminding session knowing that you’re carrying a rucksack of immediately useful and relevant ideas and information that you can put into action the very next day to impact immediately in a positive way on improving your sales, your processes and ultimately the bottom line of your business as well.
This dental Mastermind meeting held last weekend was no exception. Two invited speakers from outside of the dental industry enlightened the masterminders on the whole big difference between Social Media, Facebook, and Social Media. And I repeated that term for a reason.
I think that for there were some dentists present who had been rejecting Facebook as being just a fad, or worse still, an annoying fad. At the end of the meeting these guys were simply left gob smacked as to how big an ocean Social Media actually really is. Even the dentists who were up with things Social were just amazed as to the extent of how many mini and major tidal waves there are that are occurring within that very ocean.
I know that I left the meeting with an enormous list of tools and apps and sites that I can use at Active Dental as well as use within my running of and in its communications as well.
I also learned that in terms of Social Media marketing my businesses, there’s way more available and working out there than just plain old SEO and PPC.
Prior to this meeting, I’d been wondering what the next big marketing opportunity for dental practices and offices was…I think I’ve found it…more on this soon.
In dental practice, through time, I’ve been fortunate to have ridden the waves of Yellow pages, Internet and Google, local newspapers and SEO and PPC. While some of these media are now less effective than they used to be, others of them have become so flooded that future opportunities are appearing limited.
The thing is, if I’d have adopted the attitude that I knew it all and there was little for me to learn at a Mastermind meeting, then I’d have missed the opportunity of hearing of these great new avenues and tools that are out there on the cutting edge that very few dental offices are aware of.
Sometimes our own intelligence can hinder our progress.
I’m glad that on this weekend, that was not the case for me at all.
I’m glad that I’m of the belief, that I should never miss the opportunity to learn more.
I hope you too, will learn and use and benefit from the power of Masterminding with like-minded people.
The Ultimate Patient Experience is a simple easy to implement system I developed that allowed me to build an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.
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