There’s a secret to running a Dental Office with truly World Class Customer Service.
The secret is to have every employee having clearly defined roles and duties to perform at each and every stage of the Client or Patient Experience.
Every stage.
Each and every stage of the Client or Patient Experience must be clearly defined, and analysed, so that the required result for each stage can be expected, delivered and attained.
Once a Dental Office has those clear definitions, then and only then should they look at the roles of who on their team does what at each stage, and what are the expected outcomes for each and every one of those actions performed.
Each task performed by each team member throughout the day, with respect to each patient or customer, should always have a clear and defined purpose.
A result, a consistent result, should be the outcome of a specific duty performed to a set of predetermined standards.
Standards that are representative of the image of our office, and the feeling, the experience that you desire and want for our clients and patients.
Everything, yes everything, is done for a purpose.
A specific purpose.
It’s not contrived.
Its common sense multiplied and personified.
And if you’re a little confused, then think Disney for a moment.
Everything at Disney is done specifically for a reason.
Or purpose.
Or outcome.
For instance, did you know that the Disney employees that collect litter during the day are the employees who are asked most often for directions by visitors to the park?
Not only must these employees have an intimate knowledge of which rides and attractions are situated where in the Disney property, they are also trained to escort the patrons to the ride then and there rather than just wave them off in a general direction.
How’s that then for going that little bit extra? For going Above and Beyond?
For most of us, as visitors to Disney Parks, this would seem an Above and Beyond moment. But for Disney, it’s part of everyday culture.
It’s not what I would call an Operational Standard. It’s more an Experiential Standard.
An Operational Standard would be a task or procedure that would be performed in every Dental Office, no matter where that Office was located.
Routine run of the mill bread and butter task.
An Experiential Standard, on the other hand is a standard that your office sets for a task that is a regular item for *your* office to perform, but is not something that the average Dental Office out there would consider performing.
For example, a cup of water for the patient to rinse their mouth with would be an Operational Standard.
Done everywhere.
Always having the cup filled would be an Operational Standard at most offices, so that time is not lost waiting for the cup to be refilled.
Having the Dental Assistant holding the cup ready for the patient and handing it to them, along with fresh tissues, and sitting there with them, caring for them as they battle with a numb mouth, is an Experiential Standard that we have chosen for my patients.
It is a task or duty performed *every* time.
Other offices may feel that Dental Assistants are better employed to be putting things away rather than doting on patients while they rinse.
I’ve seen that too.
But that second way is not for me.
That second way is a way I would rather not be treated, if I were the patient…
When a Dental Office truly wants to take Service to a whole new level, setting Experiential Standards is one of the true fundamentals they need to embrace.
Because it’s really not OK to just say, “Yes, we do Customer Service”.
The term “Customer Service” is often just used generically as an ineffective bandage, or dressing, to cover over what is really a serious condition that needs a more detailed and thorough attention.
And healing.
When a Dental Office decides to look thoroughly at the Patient Experience, then the Office lifts to a whole new level.
Not just “the Next Level”.
[Oh I dislike that cliché!!]
If you’re thinking about providing an Experience for your Patients and Customers, then you need to develop and implement a system, a watertight system, that dots the I’s and crosses the T’s.
To do it correctly.
Because just like a roof, anything less than watertight is ineffective.
And that’s not good…
The Ultimate Patient Experience is a simple to build complete Customer Service system in itself that I developed that allowed me to create an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.
Email me at
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