I was doing an online training for some dentists last week and I was advising them about the three key points that need to be covered on every incoming phone call at their dental offices, if they want to increase their practice new patient conversion numbers.
That’s only if the dentists want to increase the number of new patient call conversions happening on their phones.
If they don’t want to increase new patient numbers, and they’re happy wasting money on marketing and wasting money on getting the phone to ring, but not converting those calls, then they can simply ignore this advice and keep on doing what they are doing.
But if they want to increase their practice new patient numbers, then consistently doing ALL OF THESE three key things will dramatically improve their telephone conversions.
The interesting thing is that also doing these three key things in every face to face communication with patients and customers will dramatically increase customer satisfaction and also customer retention.
These three key things that need to be the backbone of every conversation are what supports the fact that everybody that we interact with just wants to feel important, valued, and understood.
So what are these three key things?
Well, in all communications with customers you need to always cover and include these three important considerations:
1- Be a friend
In all communications, coming across as “less than friendly” is improper and inadequate.
Always be friendly, and behave, as a friend would.
That means caring, and showing that you care.
2- Solve their problem
Truly listen with the intent to help, and uplift.
If you can find the solution that your customer or caller is looking for, you’ll become their favourite person in the world.
Go into every interaction and conversation with the purpose of being a problem solver.
But that means that you need to be LISTENING on a visceral level.
Don’t listen just to reply or respond.
Listen intently so that you can SOLVE.
3- Give them hope
At the end of your conversation, your client or patient will feel uplifted if they believe you have given them hope, and pointed them in the right direction, and helped them to progress to a solution.
In a friendly and courteous manner.
And that’s all great customer service is really. It’s about adding value, adding hope, and being truly on the other person’s page.
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Have you read my book , How To Build The Dental Practice of Your Dreams [Without Killing Yourself!] In Less Than Sixty Days.
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The Ultimate Patient Experience is a simple to build complete Customer Service system in itself that I developed that allowed me to create an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.
Email me at david@theupe.com
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