When something is offered to someone that could help them, that could make their life easier, or make their work life more efficient, that person has a choice to be interested, or not.
Some people choose to be interested in finding out more.
Others choose not to be interested.
Both decisions are allowable.
That’s what a democracy is about.
Even when one decision is illogical, respect that person’s choice.
When someone chooses to make a decision without gathering information, that is their choice.
Sometimes, the use of some following clarifying questions has the ability to enlighten and alter an illogical decision.
But if someone is steadfast in their decision, no matter how illogical that decision is, you must respect their decision and move on.
Respect their choice.
Although their choice may appear wrong to you, let them live with their decision.
The beauty of this planet that we live on is that no matter what you have to offer, there are more than enough people out there who could do with the help or improvement that you offer.
Your job is not to convince people to take up your offer.
Your duty to yourself is to find those people who might want to take up your offer and present the information to them, and to move past those people who for whatever reason choose to decline your offer.
At some point in the future, those who chose not to take up your offer may change their mind.
If your offer has expired when those people do decide they are now ready, that’s their own fault for failing to act at the time of the initial offer.
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