For most of us, we know there is a better way.
There has to be. Because, after all, that’s what improvement is all about, isn’t it?
Improvement is about the discovery that a better way exists, and then the learning of that better way.
And the learning is what prevents us or helps us.
You see, we can learn some things by the self-taught approach?
After all, there are Dummies books out there on every possible subject?
There are also YouTube videos on how to do almost everything by yourself?
And there are experts, like Steve Martin and Dustin Hoffman amongst others, teaching us valuable things online now for pennies in the dollar.
Everything we need to know is out there.
As I have said:
“If it has been done, it can be done.”
If some dumb schmuck can do something, then so can you, because you’re much smarter than the dumb schmuck, aren’t you?
Well, if you are smarter, then why aren’t you already ahead of that dumb schmuck?
The answer to this is simple.
The answer to this question is staring you back in the mirror.
You, yes you, yourself, are the one thing, the biggest thing that is holding yourself back from true greatness and accomplishment.
It is only when you realise that you are the cause of your own failures, and that you can be the cause of your own successes, that you will break those shackles, and smash through those self-imposed glass ceilings that you have installed above yourself.
There is no “one and only” best way.
There are only better ways.
But better ways are endless in number.
Last year when I visited Chick-fil-A headquarters in Atlanta I learnt that once they had refined a process and brought it to market they immediately set out the very next day to improve upon that process.
There was no resting on their laurels.
Tomorrow was a day for improvement.
I often say:
“How can we be better today than we were yesterday?”
“How can we make Mrs. Smith’s visit tomorrow a better one than the one she had last time?”
It is only when we acknowledge this, the fact that life is in a state of flux, and that we have the power to make it better, that we do in fact succeed in making a better life.
For ourselves.
For our friends.
For our clients.
For our families.
The systems that you need are already out there.
Learn them.
Or find somebody who has done what you want to do now, and ask them to teach you.
That’s an even better way.
Learn from others.
Stand on the shoulders of giants.
Pay them for sharing their knowledge with you.
And use that knowledge to grow abundance.
My next public speaking presentation showing Dentists how to grow their Dental practices will be in Chicago, USA on Friday 2nd June 2017.
For more information and to secure your seat click this link here.
Have you read my book , How To Build The Dental Practice of Your Dreams [Without Killing Yourself!] In Less Than Sixty Days.
You can order your copy here: Click Link To Order
The Ultimate Patient Experience is a simple to build complete Customer Service system in itself that I developed that allowed me to create an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.
Email me at
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