Yesterday I had the pleasure of spending the day out in Sydney entertaining a good Dentist friend of mine who was visiting from the USA.
And as we walked, and wined and dined, he shared with me his dental story.
And I wondered, as I listened to this story, I wondered how many of us would be brave enough to do in our own practices what my friend did in his practice twenty years ago?
Twenty years ago my friend had a very busy practice.
So busy, it was killing him.
He was working himself to death.
He was busy, but the wrong type of busy.
So here’s what he did.
My friend wrote to his patients and told them that he was changing his practice.
He told his patients that from that day forth, he was going to be limiting his practice to ceramic and metal inlays, crowns and veneers, and Invisalign.
And that he was happy to refer them to another dentist for their care if they wished.
And that if they wanted to stay on with him they were welcome to.
And half his patients left him.
But as we walked, my friend told me that the fifty percent of patients who left his practice all came from that bottom eighty percent of his practice.
You remember from my BLOG just last month?
About the Pareto Principle?
My friend lost 50% of his practice from the 80% of his practice that only accounted for 20% of his income.
He lost all those procedures that he did not enjoy doing.
For only a small drop in his income.
And then an amazing thing happened. My friend quickly replaced a lot of those patients with people who wanted the procedures that he was now limiting his practice to.
And so his business took off.
My friend became happier in his work.
He did only those procedures that he enjoyed doing.
He was collecting more because he had eliminated all those little unproductive procedures that we all know….
And he was arriving home from work each day a much more relaxed man.
Because the 50% of the patients who left his practice took away 100% of those kinds of patients that he did not like to treat.
Those “difficult” patients…
I congratulated my friend on having the intestinal fortitude to make this change.
And as he said, his old practice was killing him.
He *had* to change.
For his own sake.
So how about you?
Could you do it?
The Ultimate Patient Experience is a simple to build complete Customer Service system in itself that I developed that allowed me to create an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.
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