Those of you who know, know that I am a big fan of the Rock Band KISS, touring Australia at present.
Last night, Wednesday night, I saw KISS in concert in Melbourne. It was my fourth KISS Concert, and my second Meet and Greet with KISS.
KISS just keep getting better and better. Let me explain:
KISS are celebrating forty years in business. I don’t know about you, but I believe if someone’s been in business for forty years they must be doing something right.
Well let me tell you, they are, and they keep on surprising and delivering Above and Beyond experiences to their loyal fans.
If I have you intrigued then read on…I believe there are several lessons all business owners can learn from KISS. Here are three…
1. Exceed Customer Expectations. And continually keep Exceeding Customer Expectations…
I had seen KISS in a Meet and Greet format in 2010 in Salt Lake City Utah.
The difference, or improvement, between last night, and three years ago, was staggering.
I thought the package in SLC was pretty darned good. But in Melbourne, they went Above and Beyond.
In Melbourne, we got so much more…for starters, KISS performed what seemed like a forty minute mini unplugged acoustic concert up close and personal for the forty or so lucky meet and greeters. [tickets for this meet and greet concert sold out in ten seconds!!]
Secondly, the autograph signing process was far more relaxed, the guys doing it unmasked after the acoustic session, and taking their time, with Gene really “pressing the flesh” and getting up close and personal. I chatted with Tommy about golf and with Eric about his 100+ watch collection!!
Thirdly, they fed us!! Great catering and an open bar. Meet and Greet is a long day, getting there some six and a half hours prior to the band taking the stage. The food was great!!
LESSON ONE: Exceed your customers’ expectations. And your best customers! Find out what they want, look at what you’re doing, and look for ways to improve! I’m sure you’ll find ways to make all your processes better, on a continual basis!
2. If You Change For the Worse, then Correct Yourself Quickly, and Change Course for the Better
KISS are forty years old this year. Gene is turning 64 in August. Along that 40 years there have been some, well, interesting decisions in the journey of KISS.
Four solo albums. Unmasked. Band member changes. Band member reinstatements. Band member changes again….
Ultimately, when a change did not result in improvement, KISS changed course. The product we have now is a result of great marketing, and market research, giving the customers what they want.
LESSON TWO: If you make a change, to your marketing, if you buy a piece of equipment that is “not you”, if you employ the wrong person, monitor and correct course if necessary. Don’t blunder on! Know what your clients want. And give it to them. In spades!
3.Consistency, and Professionalism. Always!!
I was impressed with the professionalism of the guys during the meet and greet. It must be so hard to maintain interest, and sincere interest, but these guys were also very very appreciative and were with their customers “in the moment”. I was lucky enough to share my flight back to Sydney with Tommy Thayer and chatted with him at Sydney airport. Again, though obviously under instruction to keep moving, he was in my moment for me. Awesome!!
LESSON THREE: So when you are with your patients, eye to eye, knee to knee, and also drilling away, be in *THEIR* moment, not yours.
I first saw KISS in the mid nineties. And again in 2008. I was not a big fan. But I was intrigued by their model. My first concert just blew me away with their professionalism and their attention to detail. And the way they worked, and complimented and stroked their audience. That concert immediately became the best concert of any band I had, [and still have] seen.
This week, I travelled especially to Melbourne to see KISS in the Meet and Greet Package. At a premium price. It was a euphoric twenty-four hours.
Ask yourself this: Are you giving your customers, clients and patients an Above and Beyond euphoric experience? If not, why not? And ask yourself, how you can improve your processes? You’ll find it an interesting question. But, like KISS, you’ll find the process vet, very beneficial!!
“How to Consistently Exceed Your Customers’ Expectations” is just one of the many straight chapters that make up The Ultimate Patient Experience, a simple easy to implement system I developed that allowed me to build an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report. Email me at
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