I’m writing this blog while on an Emirates flight from Dubai to Paris.
I’m not an aeroplane movie watcher. But I’m noticing my wife has just finished watching a movie with Pearce Brosnan and Emma Thompson that finishes with them on a yacht, beside the Notré Dame Cathedral.
Which reminded me of my first visit to Paris, and my visit there to Notré Dame in June 2012, two years ago.
Through the wonders of the internet, and primarily through the marvel of Facebook, my patient Theo, who is a long-term patient and firstly a long-term friend, reached out to me and asked me whether I could do him a favour, then and there, while I was in Paris.
And what a favour it was.
He asked me, if I would be passing Notré Dame again, and whether I would be able to purchase something for him.
You see Theo had seen my Facebook posts that I was in Paris already, and had visited Notré Dame.
What was it you wanted me to buy Theo?
Theo replied and asked, most politely, as to whether I was able to visit one of the souvenir shops beside Notré Dame and purchase for him one of the LARGE gargoyle replicas they sold there?
Theo asked if I could, and whether I could, ship it home for him?
Now that’s a serious ask, I thought.
We had not planned to revisit Notré Dame.
We had limited time, and after all, this was my first trip to Paris, so I was trying to cram in as much sightseeing as I could.
And then Theo told us about the ice cream.
Seriously good ice cream.
Located just beside Notré Dame.
So what would you do?
Long story short, here’s what we did.
We found the ice cream place. Berthillon.
Truly heavenly.
Like you would not believe!
And we bought the LARGE gargoyle.
But we did not ship it home.
We brought it home with us. From Paris, via Dundee.
In my suitcase.
Because Theo’s more than just a patient.
He is indeed, a true friend.
A friend firstly. Before dentistry.
What would you do in that situation?
Would you put Theo’s request in the too-hard basket?
Or would you go Above and Beyond?
Sure, Theo is a friend from way back, before he became my patient.
But as my patient, he’s been very loyal.
And I have to him.
There are lots of other patients like Theo that we’ve made our friends over the years.
And we’d go Above and Beyond for a whole lot of them.
Like the story of Daniela, who was travelling to England.
And had some historic sights to see in Hertfordshire.
Well two in particular.
That although being located close to railway lines, they were located on different lines and were separated by such a considerable amount of countryside, that to visit both in one day by train would mean almost returning back into London to change trains.
So I put my thinking cap on.
My wife has an uncle and aunt who live roundabouts between these two sites.
I wonder whether Uncle Jake would be able to help out?
A quick phone call and Uncle Jake to the rescue.
He meets Daniela at train station #1, drives her to the first Point Of Interest, then drives her across the Countryside to the second Point Of Interest, then drops her at station #2, sending her back on her way into London.
What an afternoon!
Throw in a counter lunch and a pint on the way?
Of course, and all are happy.
Would you think of that?
I tell you, I’m glad we did.
What sort of examples of Above and Beyond have you pulled out of your hat over the years?
Not only are these great examples.
They also make great stories to tell other patients.
And that buys a lot of mileage too.
I’m sure you’ve also thought outside the square.
It’s just a matter of continually making your patients think:
The Ultimate Patient Experience is a simple to build complete Customer Service system in itself that I developed that allowed me to create an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.
Email me at david@theupe.com
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