I was on a coaching call this week with one of my coaches [yes, coaches have coaches], and the comment came up during a breakout session that one of the coaches in this session appeared to be “fishing in an excellent pond”.
The point of this turn of phrase is that if you are going to be fishing, you’re best to be fishing where there are more fish, and the fish are hungry and biting, so that catching these fish will be easier…. and so fishing in a pond where there are plenty of big fish biting would be far more enjoyable than fishing in a place with very few well fed fish.
This philosophy is very appropriate when considering attracting clients, customers and patients to a business. Being a cosmetic dentist and running a successful dental practice should be easier in a more highly populated area, and should be easier in an area where those people have more teeth than in other areas. [You would think so?]
This phrase would also be appropriate when seeking professional advice.
A lot of people believe that when “seeking professional advice” it is ok and appropriate to ask the advice of family, and friends.
This is despite the fact that the family members and friends are quite often inexperienced and unqualified to give the kind of advice that is being asked for.
In those cases, this “free advice” is worth every penny that is paid for it… it’s worthless and often harmful.
Really, when seeking advice, you need to find out if the advisor you are talking to has ACTUALLY done what you are looking to do, and has also successfully coached and taught others to have the same results that they had, and that you hope to also achieve.
Often, people seeking advice also seek out advisors who have been in the same profession or vocation, as opposed to seeking advice from someone who has never been a [blank] that they are seeking to advise, or that they have never actually practiced and applied the principles or techniques that they are now espousing as gospel.
This is called due diligence.
You wouldn’t just drop a fishing line in any old pond, would you?
Yet some people do…
Some people take the advice of friends and family, and often that advice is to not change…. usually because the friends and family have a secret desire to protect their friend or family member from “changing” as a result of actually achieving some degree of successful change.
There is a whole other world available outside of the perceived circle of activity, and there are trusted and trustworthy advisors available to help those who want to be better, to actually become better.
Before embarking on that journey, make sure that the person you are following is headed in the right direction, and has previously been there… that’s a good starting point…
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The Ultimate Patient Experience is a simple to build complete Customer Service system in itself that I developed that allowed me to create an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.
Email me at david@theupe.com