One of the true differentiators of a great business from a good business from an average business and from a bad business is simply that a great business has a plan for everything.
And that includes having a plan for when things in the business do not go to plan.
How is your business?
What happens in your business when things do not go exactly to plan?
I call this portion of the business the Service Recovery.
Service Recovery describes what your contingency plan is when your business experiences a Service Defect.
A Service Defect is defined as any obstacle or challenge that can occur at any stage of the patient visit or interaction with your office that can ruin their experience.
And therefore Service Recovery describes the ability of your Dental Office to rectify any Service Defects that can occur at any time throughout your day.
Your Dental Office’s Service Recovery systems and the way you seamlessly swing them into action are what defines you as a business that cares unconditionally about your customers.
And so it goes that while these customers may complain about the service defect that just happened to them, they will be in awe at the way your business handles that defect through its service recovery processes.
How are the Service Recovery Processes in your Dental Office?
To truly first understand Service Recovery you need to be able to identify what ALL of your Service Defect possibilities are.
And before that, or to do that identification, you need to be able to identify each and every stage or step or process that your patient has to experience as they travel through the journey of being your Dental Patient.
There are no positives in trying to make up your service recoveries as each defect occurs live in your Dental Office.
You need to be prepared.
“If this [event] happens, then these [specific processes] are the definite steps that we need to swing into action”
The end result of a great Service Recovery process is that the benefit to the business is often greater than if the Service Defect had not occurred.
A great Service Recovery process is seamless.
Here are some poor Service Recovery statements:
“I need to check with the Dentist.”
“I need to check with our lab.”
“What were you eating [when you broke that filling]?”
Great Service Recovery is planned for.
When I coach Dental Office teams on Customer Service we all make sure you know what to do when things go correctly, as well as when things do not go exactly to plan.
So that your team are always ready for all possibilities, should they occur.
Is your Dental Office ready?
My next public speaking presentation showing Dentists how to grow their Dental practices will be in Chicago, USA on Friday 2nd June 2017.
For more information and to secure your seat click this link here.
Have you read my book , How To Build The Dental Practice of Your Dreams [Without Killing Yourself!] In Less Than Sixty Days.
You can order your copy here: Click Link To Order
The Ultimate Patient Experience is a simple to build complete Customer Service system in itself that I developed that allowed me to create an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.
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