Who would you rather guarding your house and your family and your property?
Would you rather they be someone trained in surveillance and in firearms, who practices and undergoes certification for the services they provide?
Or would you prefer that they be someone who just turns up?
With no real skills as such?
When it comes to protection, our political leaders, our sports stars and entertainers, all have “minders” who they know are certified and they know they can depend upon.
It’s the same when we dine out…
When we go to a restaurant, we want to be sure that the practices in the kitchen are safe and hygienic, and that the chef and the kitchen staff know what they are doing. Because otherwise it could turn into a dog’s breakfast…
We rely on the Department of Health and the regulators, along with the restaurant owners, to maintain certifications in the interests of consumer safety.
Yet despite the fact that we all know that we have these checks and balances that we expect to be in place out there in the big wide world that we deal with, there are a lot of dental practices out there that have no checks and balances and accountability plans for the people who work in their practices answering their dental office phones.
Their dental office phones are a FREE FOR ALL.
These practices have no ongoing trainings for their dental receptionists.
The practices don’t track and measure performances and results of phone calls at their office on a daily or weekly or monthly basis, and they have no ideas as to who are their star performing team members that are answering those phones, and which of their team members could do with some help and assistance.
These dental practices are living on HOPE.
They are hoping that their phones are being answered ok, and they are hoping that their existing patients and new patients phoning in don’t wonder if this is “as good as it gets.”
A dentist recently said to me that “his staff weren’t comfortable with the thought of having the dental practice phone calls recorded.”
And so on this note he wasn’t willing to proceed with training his staff in this manner.
But he did want some other “lecture” styles of training.
Well that’s just not going to work.
That’s like having piano lessons but not letting the piano teacher see and hear you play.
Or it’s like getting golf lessons, but never letting the pro see how you swing.
Really, as a business owner, you’d really have to ask yourself this simple question:
If your staff, who you pay money to to perform tasks, don’t want to be trained PROPERLY to improve and get better, and don’t want to be held accountable, then what else is going on in that business?
Because it sounds like the inmates are running the asylum…
Competence breeds results.
And improved competencies breed better results.
Need your phones monitored?
Are you concerned about the number of calls that are not being answered as best they can be?
You need Call Tracking Excellence.
For the cost of a less than one cleaning per week, you could have your phones being answered much much better….
Convert more calls into appointments…Click the link: http://www.calltrackingexcellence.com
Call Jayne on 1300 378 044 or email Jayne@theDPE.com for more details.
The perfect Christmas Gift:
Have you read my book , How To Build The Dental Practice of Your Dreams [Without Killing Yourself!] In Less Than Sixty Days.
You can order your copy here: Click Link To Order
The Ultimate Patient Experience is a simple to build complete Customer Service system in itself that I developed that allowed me to create an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.
Email me at david@theupe.com
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