I often ask this question to dentists:
“How many people work for you?”
And one of the best answers I receive is:
“About half”
Which is really sad.
It is really sad that there are businesses out there employing people who are not digging in.
People who “turn up” physically but fail to turn up mentally.
People just going through the motions.
But they are doing it on someone else’s dime.
To me, that is tantamount to stealing.
In reality, employees turning up and not working hard are stealing on three parts.
Firstly, they are stealing from their employer. They are stealing salary that they have failed to exchange toil and sweat equity for.
They have failed to give a “hard day’s work” in exchange for a hard day’s pay.
Secondly, they are stealing from their fellow employees. Their fellow employees are putting in more effort, but both the “underperformers and the regular employees are receiving pay for a full day of effort.
And what happens is that the lazy employee is being carried by the more diligent employee.
Thirdly, the lazy employee is stealing a position of employment from somebody out there looking for work who is willing to work harder.
And lastly the lazy employee is stealing from the customer. Because the customer is paying to be well attended and looked after. And instead the customer is receiving a half-baked effort at service. [is that correct? Should it be called an effort if the effort is not absolute?]
There is absolutely no reason on earth to be tolerating underperforming team members.
Why would you even contemplate having people on your payroll who are not giving their job with you their 100% best effort?
Employing people who fail miserably to give their best in the workplace only creates frustrations that harbor growing resentments amongst your team towards you, the business owner.
Don’t do it.
Don’t bother with those who don’t value the opportunity that you are placing in front of them.
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The Ultimate Patient Experience is a simple to build complete Customer Service system in itself that I developed that allowed me to create an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.
Email me at david@theupe.com
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