Why is it so important to be able to easily talk to your patients about money and payments?
It is important because you are wanting to be able to help your patients to going ahead with the treatment and care that they need.
However, there are a lot of dentists out there who avoid talking about money with their patients.
Discussing money becomes the elephant in the room…. and it need not be so.
But it happens…
Why do dentists go out of their way to avoid conversations about money?
When I was an employed associate dentist, my practice owning employer REFUSED POINT BLANK to act as receptionist and take payments when we were a staff member down…. In fact, he would even come in and be my dental assistant and get my assistant to go out and check out his patient…. [it was truly weird]
So here are some reasons why dentists want to avoid conversations about money:
- They do not know how?
- They do not know what to say.
- They feel very uncomfortable
- They get nervous.
- They are not sure WHEN to talk about money?
- They just hate it.
- They do not want to sound salesy.
- They do not want to push people away!
These dentists have the following belief system:
- They feel that their patients will reject them when they tell the patient how much their dentistry will cost.
- They feel that their patients will freak out and think it is going to cost too much.
- They feel that their patients just can’t afford it!
- They feel that their patients may not see the value in the treatment.
- They feel that their patients may not want it.
Why do some dentists have these beliefs?
- It often goes back to their own history with money.
- How they feel about money.
- It may relate to previous discussions dentists have had with people about money.
- Dentists don’t like feeling they are being judged by others when it comes to money.
- There is a Social Stigma “attached” around talking about money.
Other people on your team may also have these beliefs…..
Yet, the strange flip side is….
You as a dentist may have difficulty talking about money with your patients but your patients EASILY ask you how much it will all cost!
There has been a significant shift in recent times in regards to the way that consumers now prefer to pay for most things:
- Consumers are being saturated ALL THE TIME by products that allow them to avoid paying anything in a lump sum.
- In the marketing they are NOW seeing everywhere, consumers are NOW seeing lots of ways to pay.
- Many Dentists are offering different ways for patients to pay.
- Paying for Dental Treatment has now become similar to paying off a new TV!
- Smaller more manageable payments is how most people can and want to pay for everything, including their Dental Treatment and Care.
Why managing payments is good for your patients:
- More patients WILL say yes to treatment
- It’s quick and easy
- You pay less upfront
- It’s easily available to most people
- Your patients get to choose the way to pay that will suit them best.
Talking about money is easy! All you need to know is:
- When to say it
- What to say
- How to say it
The core principle of business and of service, is to always be presenting the best options that are available and possible to your customers and then allowing your customers the opportunity of choosing how they wish to proceed.
If you believe your treatment plan for your patient is what is best for that patient, and is what they need doing now to improve their dental health, then it is YOUR DUTY to do everything you possibly can to help your patient have that necessary treatment done as soon as possible, without delay.
You owe it to your patients to give them every opportunity to find an affordable way to pay for the dentistry they are needing.
And that means that every one of your patients must be given every opportunity to learn about the various ways available to them to help them pay for their dental treatment.
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