I had an interesting discussion the other day with a dentist around the subjects of CULTURE and CHANGE in the dental practice.
And especially revolving around team culture and change required by team and team members when changes in the workplace are mooted, and raised.
The one thing that can be said about change is that change is a constant.
Because without change, and particularly, change for the better, people, things, and actions will stagnate, perish, and die.
Change is a necessity.
It is a necessity for survival.
Yet, as a rule, most people do not like change.
Some people detest it.
Others begrudgingly accept it, but would prefer not to have it.
The phrase:
“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”
is an exclamation about the fact that meddling and changing things for change’s sake, is often considered to be a nuisance, and maybe pointless.
Yet we need change for growth.
We need change to stretch ourselves, and to improve.
Athletes and sportspersons are always tinkering with what they do, trying to squeeze extra performance, and extra results, from small tweaks and changes.
It’s the pursuit of better.
It’s the pursuit of excellence.
Well may we ask…
Yet we often ask the question as to why do some people embrace change, while others resent change?
is it because some people fear failure, and they know that with all change, there will be trial and error in seeking improvement.
Some things will work, and other things may not?
Some changes will be easy to master, and other changes may be difficult to master.
When it comes to change and improvement, having a coach, and having a personal trainer to help you with the behavioural changes required certainly is an important factor in mastering those changes as they go from being awkward, to becoming learned, and then becoming habitual.
Because a coach or trainer knows the value that these changes will bring, and it is their job to see that the changes that need to be done do in fact get done, so that the benefits of those changes can be experienced.
The trouble is…
The trouble is that when a team implements changes, some team members will adapt to the changes and the new way of doing things at different rates to other team members.
And that’s purely because of the nature of teams.
Teams are made up of different individuals who learn, and accept, and process, and action things at different rates to each of the other team members.
Sometimes, as leaders, we need to be reminded of this fact.
Sometimes some leaders wonder why everyone on their team just doesn’t get things….
And that’s because teams are this conglomeration of different types of people.
As leaders, we need to remember that implementing change within a team, or an organisation, is not as easy as simply flicking a switch.
Most of the time when implementing changes, the process is more like the turning of a dial.
And within a team, different team members take actions at different speeds.
So the dials for the team members are turning at different rates.
Welcome to the world of change.
When leaders and coaches help their teams to embrace the reality that team members action things and process messages in different ways, it is then that team members truly start to feel as one, and to grow with purpose, as one.
Teams have many moving parts.
And each part needs to be recognised for the contribution that it brings.
But to improve, and to reach number #1, and to stay number #1, teams need to work as one.
Great leaders are the ones who help their team and their team members to reach their full potential.
The wonderful thing about great teams, is that they are easily identified as being great.
Greatness is a choice.
Change that is poorly implemented can have diabolical results for some teams…
Do you and your fellow team members have what it takes to really and truly achieve greatness?
I do hope you do… I hope you all do.
Because change for the better is worth it.
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